‘Meet the Press’ Books President Obama as ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Vote Nears

Barack Obama Meet The Press 2008 - H 2012

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Barack Obama on "Meet the Press" in 2008

President Obama is set to appear on Sunday's episode of Meet the Press, as talks over how to handle the fiscal cliff near a deadline.

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The MSNBC weekly announced the news late Friday afternoon, billing the exclusive sit-down with moderator David Gregory as an opportunity for the president to explain about where things stand in negotiations and whether a compromise between parties is possible.

This appearance marks Obama's 11th on the show, though only his second since taking office in 2009. That fall he appeared on Meet the Press as the senate neared its vote on his health care bill -- which ultimately passed.

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Aside from a recent segment with Barbara Walters, the president has not sat down for any formal interviews since his re-election in November. But after talks of the fiscal cliff ended at the White House late Friday, there is little time left for a decision to be made on how to handle the Budget Control Act of 2011.

Financial ramifications of the Act, including deep cuts for more than 1,000 government programs and a two percent tax increase for workers, go into effect at the start of 2013. A vote is expected for Monday.

Michael O'Connell