Why do divers seem to have a death wish?
5 weird directions human evolution could have taken. - [Cracked]
Speaking of evolution, Charles Darwin almost won a House seat as a write-in candidate in Georgia. - [Salon]
11 Cartoon characters "accidentally" grabbing boobs. - [FunnyOrDie]
Why kids should learn cursive. - [Time]
10 proposed movie sequels nobody wants. Are you listening Hollywood? NOBODY. - [Flavorwire]
"Drunk Nate Silver" is the best post-election novelty Twitter. - [TheWeek]
25 college courses based on television shows. - [MentalFloss]
8 drinks from college "bartenders". - [CollegeHumor]
Wait wait wait, was Silicon Knights working on a Sandman game? - [Uproxx]
Headline Story: The 26 foot long snake was sunning itself on the bank in Brazil. - [Telegraph]