Was This Advice Query Written By The Husband Of David Petraeus’ Mistress?

“My Wife's Lover,” a New York Times Ethicist submission from July, raises eyebrows with the news of Petraeus' career-ending affair. Speculate within!

Paula and Scott Broadwell in a Facebook photo.

Via: observer.com

On Friday, David Petraeus resigned as CIA Director after the FBI discovered he was having an affair. Petraeus' suspected mistress is 40-year-old Paula Broadwell, his biographer. Her husband, Scott Broadwell, is a interventional radiologist. They have two children.

Late Friday night, Foreign Policy Managing Editor Blake Hounshell tweeted — and dozens more shared and retweeted — this New York Times "Ethicist" column from July 13, in which a reader writes in that his wife is having an affair with a "government executive."

My wife is having an affair with a government executive. His role is to manage a project whose progress is seen worldwide as a demonstration of American leadership. (This might seem hyperbolic, but it is not an exaggeration.) I have met with him on several occasions, and he has been gracious. (I doubt if he is aware of my knowledge.) I have watched the affair intensify over the last year, and I have also benefited from his generosity. He is engaged in work that I am passionate about and is absolutely the right person for the job. I strongly feel that exposing the affair will create a major distraction that would adversely impact the success of an important effort. My issue: Should I acknowledge this affair and finally force closure? Should I suffer in silence for the next year or two for a project I feel must succeed? Should I be “true to my heart” and walk away from the entire miserable situation and put the episode behind me? NAME WITHHELD

The details strangely match up to the Petraeus-Broadwell case, if you believe that their affair began in 2011, as the Wall Street Journal reported, and that the "project" in question is the U.S. military's involvement in Afghanistan.

Chuck Klosterman, the "Ethicist," responds with skepticism that the question was submitted in earnest.

Don’t expose the affair in any high-profile way. It would be different if this man’s project was promoting some (contextually hypocritical) family-values platform, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. The only motive for exposing the relationship would be to humiliate him and your wife, and that’s never a good reason for doing anything. This is between you and your spouse. You should tell her you want to separate, just as you would if she were sleeping with the mailman. The idea of “suffering in silence” for the good of the project is illogical. How would the quiet divorce of this man’s mistress hurt an international leadership initiative? He’d probably be relieved.

The fact that you’re willing to accept your wife’s infidelity for some greater political good is beyond honorable. In fact, it’s so over-the-top honorable that I’m not sure I believe your motives are real. Part of me wonders why you’re even posing this question, particularly in a column that is printed in The New York Times.

Your dilemma is intriguing, but I don’t see how it’s ambiguous. Your wife is having an affair with a person you happen to respect. Why would that last detail change the way you respond to her cheating? Do you admire this man so much that you haven’t asked your wife why she keeps having sex with him? I halfway suspect you’re writing this letter because you want specific people to read this column and deduce who is involved and what’s really going on behind closed doors (without actually addressing the conflict in person). That’s not ethical, either.

Only Klosterman knows if this reader was actually Scott Broadwell. Though if Broadwell used a fake name or email address, he might be in the speculative dark with the rest of us.

UPDATE: On Saturday afternoon, Times magazine editor Hugo Lindgren set the record straight:

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