Chinese Couple Takes Their First Wedding Photo In 88 Years

These two centenarians were married in 1924, but never got to take a wedding photo. A local company decided every couple needs a wedding photo and offered to help.

This is the 101-year-old groom, Wu Conghan, posing with his 103-year-old bride, Wu Sognshi, for their first wedding photo.

This is the 101-year-old groom, Wu Conghan, posing with his 103-year-old bride, Wu Sognshi, for their first wedding photo.

Image by China Daily / Reuters

Mrs. Wu donned a full length, white wedding gown and veil for the big day. Mr. Wu put on a white coat and black bow tie and stood next to the woman he married so long ago. Together they proudly smiled straight into the camera, practically bursting with pleasure the photo they always wanted would soon be theirs.


Congratulations, you two!

Congratulations, you two!


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