We need to find a way to get Jack Nicholson and Betty White to have a baby. Get on that, Science! This and other Buzz that slipped past our radar await your clicking pleasure.
42 St. Bernards roaming the forest like an adorable horde. - [Neatorama]
It's not an Orwellian nightmare if we paint the spy drone pink, right? RIGHT? - [Slate]
Real life and totally not B-movie Russian scientists fear death as they explore alien lake. - [GlobalPost]
"The Munsters" reboot given grittier edge, new name and new characters. How is this a reboot? - [AVClub]
Upwards of 16 million Chinese women are beards for their gay husbands. - [HuffingtonPost]
Mother Nature reminds us that we don't know her very well by spitting out hundred of new species in Peru. - [Treehugger]
Do not underestimate the combined power of Twitter and Levar Burton. - [TheMarySue]
Is Russell Crowe the new Robocop? - [GammaSquad]
Headline Story: Jack Nicholson has really strong feelings about sports. - [TMZ]