Stars React to Third Presidential Debate


The third and final 2012 Presidential debate took place on Monday night in Boca Raton, Florida, with President Obama facing off against challenger Gov. Mitt Romney.

The exchange, moderated by Bob Schieffer, elicited a range of responses from celebrities on Twitter — ranging from the serious to the silly.

Check out what Hollywood stars are saying:

Alec Baldwin: Point goes to Mitt that China is a currency manipulator

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Is Obama moderating this #debate?

Joy Behar: Obama is on the attack like the last debate, throwing Willard’s words back in his face

Shannen Doherty: Blah blah blah…more of the same. Tired old song

Aziz Ansari: Hypothetical question, let’s say Israel calls you up and they say ‘we need all your hummus.’ What’s your move?”#BetterDebateQuestions

Eva Longoria: As foreign policy debate begins let’s say a prayer for all our troops home and abroad! God Bless our soldiers!

Ryan Seacrest: Who do you think took this final debate?

Sarah Silverman: I think we all love teachers #bobschafferforever

Dane Cook: Romney loves talking about what he will do on “day 1.” I bet on day 2 he’s gonna play dance dance revolution

Rob Lowe: Good Lord can the moderator shut up???

Bill Maher: Shorter version of Romney: Me strong. Obama weak. Hulk smash.

John Legend: obama’s making it very hard for romney to disagree with him without sounding like a hawk. romney is basically saying ditto all night.

Kathy Griffin: I wish they would address the Armenian threat: the Kardashians.

Ann Curry: O:”Governor Romney has proposed wrong and reckless policies.” R: “I will get America working again.”

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