MAG: O.J. Simpson Set to Sell “Murder Weapon” Knife for $5 Million

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(National Enquirer)

O.J. Simpson is trying to sell the knife he allegedly used to kill ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman, claims the National Enquirer in a cover story every bit as absurd as it sounds.

This tabloid’s bizarre report is based on the premise that an unidentified “wealthy collector” is set to purchase the “murder weapon” for $5 million, and that the disgraced football star is currently trying to work out the deal from his Nevada prison cell.

“O.J. wants the deal to be a well-kept secret,” explains a so-called “insider” for the Enquirer.

The magazine’s source says, “He’s looking for a strictly cash deal so that the money can be deposited in offshore accounts and can’t be traced directly to him.”

Oh, so it’s all going to be done in secret, in an off-the-books transaction.

“It’s not just about the money,” adds the Enquirer insider. “O.J. will get a sick satisfaction from putting one over on the cops and Ron Goldman’s family. He’d love to think he outsmarted them.”

The source adds, “It amuses O.J. that he’ll be able to make millions from his prison cell for selling the murder weapon, knowing that the Goldmans won’t ever get a single penny.”

That’s convenient for Simpson, of course, because he owes Goldman’s family millions of dollars (after being found liable for the deaths in a 1997 civil suit), and would have to fork over his “earnings” from a legitimate sale.

It’s also convenient for the Enquirer, because it means there would be no record of this 100 percent non-existent deal.

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So where is the weapon right now?

The magazine has no clue, speculating that Simpson has kept the “bloody knife” for 18 years in various locations, and that it’s now hidden somewhere secure.

Now he’s supposedly prepared to reveal the blade’s whereabouts “once a firm deal” is reached through the “agent” who’s purportedly brokering the transaction.

In other words, the tabloid wants readers to believe that it has the inside scoop on the secret sale of a murder weapon no one’s ever seen to a person who won’t be named, through an unidentified broker, at an unspecified time, nearly two decades after Simpson’s criminal trial.

Oh, and for the knife to have any value, of course, O.J. Simpson would have to confess to the murders — which he has not.

The Enquirer has recently published a string of false reports involving Simpson, such as repeatedly spreading the rumor that he’s Khloe Kardashian’s real biological father.

Last year, the tabloid wrongly claimed Simpson had confessed to the murders and was set to tell Oprah Winfrey in a TV interview.

But that never happened, and neither will this alleged “murder weapon” deal.

The Enquirer might be trying to keep the circus of sensationalism around Simpson going 18 years after two people were murdered, but its bogus cover story just doesn’t have any juice.

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