Ravens Star Thinks Gay Parents Are Bad For Kids

We can't let gay people get married, think of the kids!

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Source: youtube.com

I know the video says Matt Birk was the 2012 NFL Man Of The Year, but I'd pick a different Raven.

I know the video says Matt Birk was the 2012 NFL Man Of The Year, but I'd pick a different Raven.

Brendon Ayanbadejo in the Huffington Post, 4/23/09

If Britney Spears can party it up in Vegas with one of her boys and go get married on a whim and annul her marriage the next day, why can't a loving same sex couple tie the knot? How could our society grant more rights to a heterosexual one night stand wedding in Vegas than a gay couple that has been together for 3, 5, 10 years of true love? The divorce rate in America is currently 50%. I am willing to bet that same sex marriages have a higher success rate than heterosexual marriages.

Maybe I am a man ahead of my time. However, looking at the former restrictions on human rights in our country starting with slavery, women not being able to vote, blacks being counted as two thirds of a human, segregation, no gays in the military (to list a few) all have gone by the wayside. But now here in 2009 same sex marriages are prohibited. I think we will look back in 10, 20, 30 years and be amazed that gays and lesbians did not have the same rights as every one else. How did this ever happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave? Are we really free?

LINK: Read more about Ravens LB Brendon Ayanbadejo's outspoken support of marriage equality.

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