Bill Cosby Tweets About Cosby Sweaters Tops The Morning Links

It will never not be surreal when celebrities become aware of being a meme. Plus, it's football season again and a little girl shook off the bubonic plague.

A seven year old girl in Colorado caught the Bubonic Plague, shrugged it off like it was nothing. - [TheWeek]

There are a lot of surprising faces in the Cloud Atlas movie. Let's list them. - [Vulture]

A look ahead to the fashions you'll be wearing, or loathing, next spring. - [Elle]

To the surprise of no one a lot of people, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" being repealed has had no negative impact on the military. - [HuffingtonPost]

Let's get ready for some football! By looking at the most hated teams in sports. - [BleacherReport]

Has science fiction in Hollywood finally rounded the bend into looney town? - [Esquire]

Over a decade after the tragedy, the federal government will acknowledge the link between 9/11 and an uptick in cancer. - [NBC]

Catch up with all the casting news from Catching Fire. - [BuzzSugar]

Up to 26k teachers are planning to join first strike in 25 years in Chicago today. - [Salon]

Headline Story: These tweets are just the tip of the iceberg. Mr. Cosby embraced his Internet infamy for quite a while. - [Uproxx]


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