British Optician’s Ad Ruthlessly Mocks Korean Flag Screw-Up At Olympics

The full-page ad is running today in most of England's major papers.

The Korean copy translates to: "Should have gone to" Specsavers, which is the chain's tagline.

(Update: Two Korean readers have tweeted to me that the translation is wrong. Waiting for an answer for the correct one. Update #2: readers tells me the translation is right, but the placement of "Specsavers" in the phrase is wrong.)

The ad is referencing this embarrassing incident that occurred before Wednesday's North Korean soccer match.

Nice piece of vulture advertising. The Olympics Committee must be thrilled.

Said Specsavers marketing director Richard Holmes:

"Like everyone else, we're looking forward to watching the next few weeks of sport. This is just a gentle reminder that to get the best view of the action, a visit to your local Specsavers might be a good idea."

The ad was created in-house.

Source: thetrolleyblog


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