You probably be expecting corn prices to go up. Plus, the NBA is looking for some new sponsors.
It turns out Mitt Romney is actually Batman - [The Superficial]
The NBA is finally giving in and allowing the sponsorship of jersey ads. - [Bleacher Report]
A guy risked his life to propose (No, I'm not implying here that marriage is risking your life!)" - [The Frisky]
Conner Cruise, the son of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, is now donning a mohawk. - [Us Magazine]
This years drought has caused a major blow to the corn industry. - [HLNTV]
Rugby has a new 16-foot man. - [PSDisasters]
You need to save up some money because you will probably want to buy Star Trek: The Next Generation on Blu-Ray. [ Gamma Squad]
A Taiwanese man has died after playing a video game for 40 hours straight. - [Tecca]
Headline Story: Television is full of cougars these days, here are 20 of them for you to look out for. - [The Chive]