Kanye West Monitors Kim Kardashian’s Phone Because He Thinks She’s Cheating?

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“Is Kim Cheating on Kanye?” reads a headline from OK!, which reports that Kim Kardashians “sexual history” has Kanye West constantly keeping tabs on her.

The mag says ever since West began dating Kardashian, he’s been “wracked with insecurity and convinced that monogamy is not the reality TV diva’s strong suit.”

According to the tab, Kardashian’s text messages are a big point of contention between the pair.

A supposed “insider” for the tabloid claims “Kim got a text message” on a recent night while the couple was in bed, and all hell broke loose.

The so-called “source,” who must spend his or her nights bedside with Kardashian and West, reveals, “She usually leaves it on silent but she forgot this time and it caused a big fight.”

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Kardashian was “outraged and offended by Kanye’s suspicions,” says the mag, which quotes the purported insider as saying, “She told him then and there that he could check her phone anytime he wanted to and handed it over.”

“Luckily, it was just her sister and not a guy,” notes the source.

But that didn’t quell West’s alleged wariness.

The “Otis” rapper is “paranoid” that Kardashian’s ex, Reggie Bush, “is going to come back and haunt them,” claims the insider.

Basically, the mag says West is worried about Kardashian cheating on him with Bush because she allegedly cheated on Bush with West in 2010.

The “source” explains that West has supposedly taken to checking his girlfriend’s text messages “every night,” but is still “not totally convinced” Kardashian is being faithful because, “Who knows if she’s erasing stuff?”

Hey, why doesn’t he just lock her inside all day instead?

Or maybe West could forbid Kardashian from having a cell phone.

This story is beyond ridiculous.

In any case, a source close to the couple tells Gossip Cop the tab’s tale is “made up,” and that the couple is enjoying their time together.

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