Wish You Were Here And Other Links

Full screen this image from Playa Flamenco, Cuba and just pretend you're on vacation. Also, turning baked goods into gory wounds and part of Denver is sick and tired of adorable children destroying the sidewalk with chalk drawings.

Now that the furor has died down, let's point out 6 things about zombie movies that never make any sense. - [Cracked]

Mmmmm, delicous candy wounds. Wait. No. This is disturbing me AND making me hungry. - [Flavorwire]

Someone really phoned it in on these 50 lame logos. - [BleacherReport]

Emma Stone continues to be flawless perfection in her photo spread for Vogue. - [TheBerry]

A drunk man was arrested after calling 911 on a strip club that refused him entry because he wanted to bring in a kitten. - [DeathAndTaxes]

One Denver neighborhood declares war on fun, seeks to ban sidewalk chalk. Bah, humbug. - [HuffingtonPost]

Man these science fiction foods certainly look delicious. Shame they don't exist. - [GammaSquad]

How good are you at determining if something is a Nintendo game or a Super PAC? - [MentalFloss]

If you haven't passed over the "Call Me Maybe" event horizon, or if you just want a good hate read, check out this stock photo tribute. - [Glamour]

Headline Story: Taken by James Kao, these waters on an island off of Cuba are shallow enough for you to wade 200 meters out. - [NationalGeographic]


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