Justin Bieber Attacked In German Nightclub (VIDEO)

Justin Bieber Attacked Video

(Getty Images)

Justin Bieber was nearly attacked in a German nightclub, but it was friend John Shahidi who got the worst of it. Watch below.

Bieber was hanging out at a venue called Heart in Munich. As footage shows, the club was packed with wall to wall people, making it hard for anyone to walk through the crowd. But the singer and his group attempted to do so, and one guy was none too pleased.

After Bieber accidentally bumped into him, the man practically lunged at the superstar, aggressively trying to grab onto him. Shahidi, who was in front of Bieber, protectively stepped in, and ended up getting knocked to the floor. Glass can be heard breaking in the background.

Bieber, however, escaped unscathed, as he continued walking through the mass of people, being pushed ahead by a woman behind him. It seems the incident went down earlier this month, when the performer was in Germany for his “Purpose World Tour.” He had a show in Munich on September 16, and has since performed in France and Norway.

Next week, he’ll continue on to Finland and Sweden. The European leg of the tour won’t wrap up until the end of November. Hopefully, any further issues will be kept to a minimum. Check out the video below.

Shari Weiss