Emmys: Jill Soloway Compares “Dangerous Monster” Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

The Emmy winner made her remarks backstage at Sunday's show.

Steve Granitz/WireImage

The Emmy winner made her remarks backstage at Sunday's show.

Emmys host Jimmy Kimmel wasn't the only one taking aim at Donald Trump during Sunday's Emmy awards.

Transparent creator Jill Soloway, who won an Emmy for directing, didn't mince words when it came to the Republican presidential candidate.

The topic of Trump came up when Soloway appeared backstage after her win. She was specifically asked about the Amazon comedy's second season, which saw the family travel to Berlin, which inspired her to discuss "the notion of otherizing people as a way to gain political power" and to draw comparison between Trump and Adolf Hitler.

"So Jews were otherized in Nazi Germany to gain political power for Hitler, and right now Donald Trump is doing the same thing. He's otherizing people. He calls women pigs if they don’t look like beauty pageant contestants. He blames Muslim and Mexicans for our problems. He makes fun of disabled people. This is otherizing with a capital O. And has been used in our history before to start and win wars, and he needs to be called out every chance he gets for being one of the most dangerous monsters to ever approach our lifetimes. He's a complete dangerous monster and any moment that I have to call trump out for being a inheritor to Hitler, I will."

Soloway appeared backstage with Transparent star Jeffrey Tambor, who was celebrating his second win for his work on the series. "By the way, ditto, ditto and ditto on everything you said," Tambor said before moving onto the next question backstage.

Soloway's comments came after Kimmel discussed Trump's candidacy, and called out The Voice and Celebrity Apprentice executive producer Mark Burnett, whom Kimmel said was to blame for Trump's political rise. 


Kate Stanhope