Kerry Washington “Real Time With Bill Maher” Video: Donald Trump Is “Meanest, Bulliest Candidate” – WATCH

Kerry Washington Real Time Bill Maher Video


Kerry Washington appeared on Friday’s “Real Time With Bill Maher,” discussing why she is firmly against Donald Trump. See video below.

Currently expecting her second child, the pregnant star brought up the “ridiculous maternity leave Trump talked about recently.” Noting how the policy was promoted by Ivanka Trump, Washington said, “I think it’s important that we not be distracted by these very smart, very articulate, beautiful women who work on the Trump campaign, who are a lot smarter than the candidate, I think. And we need to be not swayed by them because they will not have their finger on the button — he will.”

Washington, who is an outspoken Hillary Clinton proponent, noted, “For Hillary Clinton, these policies are not about ‘women’s policy.’ This is about economic policy, because we understand in this country that if families are able to take care of each other, we do better as a nation. I choose that candidate over the guy who brags about having never changed a diaper.”

Maher went on to bring up the so-called “enthusiasm gap,” with it being said various groups aren’t enthusiastic about the election. Washington responded, “I think there’s a bigger problem, which is that right now we in a political climate where we are being led by the media — no offense — to vote for the loudest candidate, and the meanest, the bulliest candidate in the playground, and that we are voting based on a cult of personality or a cult of celebrity rather than voting in our best interest.”

“I think if we really look at policy, voting for Trump is voting against our best interests as Americans, as workers, as people of color, as women,” she continued. “Not voting is voting against ourselves. So, voting for Trump is voting against ourselves. Not voting is voting against ourselves. And I think, in this election, voting for a third party candidate is voting against ourselves.”

The “Scandal” star further said that the “noise from the bully in the playground” is drowning out Clinton’s policy efforts. She later added, “I would rather vote for the candidate who is willing to address mistakes, address issues, take responsibility, be accountable, be a part of a change solution, rather than a candidate who chooses to continue to perpetuate fear and hate in the present moment.” Watch below.

Shari Weiss