Celebrities React: Donald Trump Finally Says President Obama Born In U.S.

Celebrities React Donald Trump Birtherism

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Donald Trump finally said on Friday that President Obama was indeed born in the United States. Celebrities are now reacting to the controversial presidential candidate reversing course. See stars’ reaction tweets.

Since 2011, Trump has been part of the “birther” movement, which wrongly claims Obama was born in Kenya, despite all evidence to the contrary. The business mogul repeatedly questioned the president’s citizenship over the last five years, making it a contentious point as he runs for office. Throughout the campaign, Trump had repeatedly refused to acknowledge Obama was born in America… until now. On Thursday night, a statement was released, and then on Friday, Trump held a press conference, where he finally said it aloud for himself.

But to many stars, the damage is already done, and is continuing, as Trump wrongly puts the blame for “birtherism” on Hillary Clinton, falsely claiming she started the movement. In response, John Legend tweeted, “Trump continues to be a lying bigot. He can’t even tell the truth when he’s reversing his previous lying stance.” Star Jones tweeted, “Trump is a LIAR. In 2010, I had this specific conversation with him & told him it was racist & offensive to cast the #POTUS as ‘other.'”

“Disgustingly disingenuous for Trump to claim he doesn’t know why his BS Birther crap is offensive,” she went on. “HE & HIS FAMILY were told it was racist!” Russell Simmons posted, ” Disgraceful @realDonaldTrump. Absolutely disgraceful.” Mia Farrow argued, “Trump owes us – particularly the African American community- an apology. On his knees!”

Alyssa Milano was kinder than most tweeting, “Awesome. Welcome to the party, weirdo!” And then there Judd Apatow who changed a headline to read, “Donald Trump – massive piece of sh*t — Finally Admits President Obama Was Born in the United States.”

Yvette Nicole Brown wrote, “Regarding #Birtherism, Trump just said ‘Hillary Clinton started it & I finished it.’ Lying AND taking credit. His two favorite things.” Don Lemon said, “That @realDonaldTrump #birtherism stunt was the most vile, insulting thing i’ve seen this campaign season.” And Jesse Jackson tweeted, “.@realDonaldTrump left out something important about @POTUS -an apology for five years of birther nonsense. @BarackObama.”

“Well, the half deflated party balloon’s opening just slowly squeaked out some more air and it’s breaking news again,” Josh Groban said. Filmmaker Edgar Wright commented, “Soon one of Trump’s press conferences will just cut to Rick Astley.” “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee” cracked on its Twitter page, “Ew, so Obama is from that country that nominated Donald Trump?” And on Instagram, Arsenio Hall wrote, “#birtherbull The end of a long road paved with painful, gratuitous degradation, ridiculous insults and lies about our commander in chief, simply because he was a black man!”

Shari Weiss