‘Big Brother 18’: Seventh Juror Weighs in On This Season’s Showmances and the Eviction That Hurt Him the Most

"He is going to break little Nicole’s heart," Victor tells THR about Corey.

Courtesy of CBS

"He is going to break little Nicole’s heart," Victor tells THR about Corey.

All good things come to an end. And for Big Brother season 18 that good thing is the bromance between Paul and Victor. 

Yes, there were showmances this season, but those should really be deemed as fauxmances. The relationships between Corey and Nicole, James and Natalie, and Paulie and Zakiyah are no match for the friendship formed between this season's underdogs, Paul and Victor. 

The pair was targeted early on, but with the help of this season's twists, competition wins and some strategy, they stayed strong. But now the duo has been split up as Victor is evicted for a third time this summer. It's not all bad news though, Paul has sealed his seat in the final three after winning the second to last head of household this summer. So what does evictee and this season's seventh juror think of all the showmances this season? The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Victor to find out.  

This is your third time being evicted. Which eviction of yours hurt you the most? Why?

This last eviction hurt me the most. When I was evicted on Natalie’s HOH I kind of saw that coming before the nominations. This time, I really did have a lot of trust in Corey and Nicole and the fact that they put me on the block really hurt. At the end of the day, it is a game and we are all playing for the $500,000 so I can’t hold anything against them.

There were three showmances this season with Corey and Nicole, Paulie and Zakiyah, and James and Natalie. It seemed like you wanted a showmance early on, but didn’t have one. Why do you think a showmance didn’t work out for you?

I just didn’t click with Natalie. She is just not my type of girl. After that, I realized I’d rather have a bromance than a showmance. It is less stressful. Actually, I thought the showmances were kind of annoying this summer especially when it came to the final six when it was me and Paul and two showmances.

There won’t ever be a Big Meech and Victor showmance in the future?

No. If anything Paul and Big Meech… haha.

What was the most real the showmances this season or your bromance with Paul? Which relationship will last the longest outside of the house? Explain.

Me and Paul. 100 percent. Corey doesn’t want to be in a relationship after the show. He is going to break little Nicole’s heart. James and Natalie, that blew up before she left. Z and Paulie, she might be too controlling for him. Catch up with us in a couple years and I bet Paul and I are still the ones bro-ing it out.

Nicole has yet to be nominated all season. Why did you and your other houseguests allow that to happen? You know that season 16 winner Derrick Levasseur was never nominated, right?

Your condescending tone is not liked! Of course, I know that Derrick was never nominated. In my defense, she was never an immediate threat to me so I never nominated her. Having said that, she played a very quiet game and that got her to avoid the block. Props to her for that.

If it wasn’t James, Nicole, Da’Vonne and Frank as the returning players this season, which former players would you have wanted to play the game with? 

Returning players aside, it doesn’t matter. I just want to play the game and win.

Do you regret your final four deal with Corey and Nicole? 

No, because had I not made that final four deal, I might have been the target the week that Michelle was evicted. It also got me the 5,000 dollar bribe. After I won my HOH, hindsight is always 20/20, and I should have gotten one of them evicted because James and Natalie are weaker in competitions than Corey and Nicole.

Compared to Big Brother players who have played before you, who’s game do you think is the most similar to yours? How would you rank your game compared to past players?

Nobody is like El Fit Vic. I think I played pretty well given I was evicted twice and still made it to top five, had the most comp wins this season and had was the battle back king… not bragging though.

Does Victor have your vote for "America's Favorite Houseguest?" Who do you think has the best shot at winning the game? Vote for your pick in THR's poll here. Chat about your pick in the comments section below and make sure to stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother. Some finale surprises are coming your way. 

Big Brother

Brian Porreca