Celebrities React: Hillary Clinton “Basket Of Deplorables” Comment

Hillary Clinton Basket Deplorables

(Getty Images)

Hillary Clinton is under fire for referring to Donald Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables.” Now many of the presidential candidate’s own celebrity supporters are coming to her defense. See stars’ reaction tweets below.

Clinton was speaking at a fundraiser in New York on Friday night when she made the controversial comment. “To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” she said. “Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.”

Detractors, including Trump himself, immediately seized on the remarks, accusing Clinton of insulting all of the American populace. But her defenders say she was just rightly categorizing the behavior and viewpoints of some of the Republican nominee’s backers. Debra Messing, for instance, who spoke at the Democratic National Convention, tweeted out “An EXAMPLE of #deplorable,” linking to a story on a so-called “crazed Trump fan.”

Patton Oswalt shared a photo of a man with a swastika on his back, writing, “#BackskinOfDeplorables.” Chrissy Teigen posted, “It’s pretty simple. If you aren’t deplorable, she isn’t talking about you. Are you mad for your deplorable friends or something?” Teigen went on to tweet New York Times audio of offensive comments spectators made at a Trump event, writing, “Wow. How…what’s the word? Dep….deplor…deplor something.”

“Roughly 4% of Americans voted for Trump in primaries. People are ‘mad’ someone said 2% of Americans are deplorable?” questioned Rob Delaney. George Takei cracked, “Many racist Trump supporters were stung by Clinton’s speech calling them a ‘basket of deplorables.’ The rest had to go look up ‘deplorable.'” “Casual” star Michaela Watkins expressed, “The day we don’t call racism, sexism and bullying ‘deplorable’ is the day I will be very embarrassed to call myself a ‘human.'”

She also later wrote, “Thank u @HillaryClinton for calling the Alt Right a #BasketOfDeplorables @realDonaldTrump should too, but he won’t.” And Andy Lassner remarked, “Note to Hillary: Deplorable people get very defensive when you call them deplorable.” He also posted, “‘How dare she call us deplorable???!!!’-People whose tweets are all about libtards, Killary, locking the bitch up and Kenyan Obama.”

Meanwhile, Kerry Washington retweeted activist Michael Skolnik, who posted, “White supremacy is deplorable. Islamophobia is deplorable. Xenophobia is deplorable. Racism is deplorable. Sexism is deplorable. #NeverTrump.” She added, “Amen!!!!! #ImWithHer.” And after Clinton released the below statement clarifying her comments, Sophia Bush quoted from it, tweeting, “‘It’s deplorable that Trump has built his campaign largely on prejudice& paranoia’ I [100 percent] concur #NotMyAmerica #ImWithHer.”

Shari Weiss