‘Big Brother 18’: The First Double, Brings the Trouble

THR breaks down the most dramatic moments from this season's first double eviction.  CBS

THR breaks down the most dramatic moments from this season's first double eviction.

Tonight Big Brother is seeing double. Host Julie Chen reminded viewers of season 18's first double eviction. And it's more jam packed than usual.

Not only will two houseguests be walking out the front door, but at the same time they'll also get the chance to come back in the game if they hold the round trip ticket. So did someone hold the round trip ticket?

Before you find out, The Hollywood Reporter breaks down the most twisted moments from this season's first double eviction.

America I hope you're ready. Oh, we are. "It's time to play Big Brother. America I hope you're ready," fan favorite James says in the diary room before his pow wow with Bridgette, Paul, Natalie and Michelle to flip the house. After finally figuring out who is running the game the house divides leaving viewers tuning in expecting big moves and drama during the double. While there weren't too many big moves we can still thank one person for the ladder. . .

Meech with the speech. On the live feeds Wednesday night Michelle called Paulie out. She took a jab at him by claiming she did not want someone who is going to spend his Big Brother winnings on a trip to Vegas with "random girls." Next up in her attack against the older brother of season 16 runner-up Cody Calafiore she tells the house, "You guys were giving him $500,000 before 24 hours ago. He blew up his game. I didn't have to." And after the speech and James' voiding Paul and Corey's votes, "big Meech" survives the nights first eviction. Who didn't? "Paulie assured you that you were safe, but here you are evicted," Chen tells the night's first evictee and season's second juror, Zakiyah. The North Carolina native tells Chenbot in return, "I'm sad, but he has to do what's best for his game. I don't have any regrets. Hopefully he wants to talk to me outside of this. I'd be game." Speaking of game, there was lots more to be played on Thursday night. 

Lots of trouble during the double. There was excitement, when Paulie was the first one eliminated during the head of household competition. And then fans were left disappointed with Corey winning both HoH and the POV. In what could have been a snore of an eviction similar to season 17's first double eviction wasted on eliminating Jackie, lucky for viewers Michelle continued to bring the excitement. "Nicole is a snake!" Michelle calls out the season 16 fan favorite pointing out that early evictees Tiffany, Frank and first juror Da'Vonne have also called it out. But that doesn't change the plan. "Surprisingly I vote to evict Bridgette," Nicole says while casting her vote. And then Michelle becomes a confusing emotional wreck given that she is safe! She feels bad that Bridgette is leaving the game and cites how much she loves her as she walks out the door. "Michelle, take a breath," Chen chimes in to tell Michelle after she can't stop crying. And Bridgette went out with a semi-bang. She called Paulie out on her way out the door making the target for him even bigger. So did Bridgette have the round trip ticket? Fortunately for Paulie, she has a one way ticket to the jury house. 

Were you satisfied with this season's first double eviction? Who has your vote for the next care package? Who is currently playing the best game? Sound off in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

Big Brother

Brian Porreca