‘Big Brother 18’: First Juror Weighs In on Nicole’s Game, Zings the Remaining Houseguests

The first juror and 'Big Brother' are not meant for each other. 'Big Brother's' Da'Vonne Rogers  Courtesy of CBS

The first juror and 'Big Brother' are not meant for each other.

After Big Brother season 18's eviction on Thursday night it appears that Da'Vonne Rogers may not be cut out for the game. 

If you look at other former players who have been able to return to the game, their track records surpass Mamma Day's. Dan Gheesling won in season 10 and came back for season 14 to get second place. Rachel Reilly was the first member of the jury in season 12, but came back for season 13 to win the game. While Janelle Pierzina was sent home early in season 14, her first time around she came in third place, and she's still one of America's favorite houseguests of all time. As for Day? She was evicted second in season 17, and although she made it farther her second time around, she just barely was able to redeem herself. The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Da'Vonne after her eviction, and here's what the diary room queen had to say. 

Had it not been Frank, James and Nicole as the returning players with you this season which three other former players do you wish you could have played with instead? 

I have always wanted to see Frank come back and play this game so I am glad it was him. I really like James as well from my season so I was glad to play with him. As far as other players, I would have liked to see Jason [Roy] from my season come back and Donny [Thompson].

Who from your cast last season would you have not wanted to play the game with this season? 

Haha… I wouldn’t have wanted to play this game with Shelli. I know that is going to stir up some hell. I feel like there is still a lot of bad blood between her and I… I don’t think she would have been too happy to see my face. I think Clay is water under the bridge but Shelli would have tried to send me home. 

You cried at Zakiyah's goodbye message. What does she have to do to win the game and do you think her chances are good?

Zakiyah has to detach herself from Paulie in order to win this game. When she first entered the house she had a fire and a passion to win. When she became consumed with Paulie that fire died out. If she wants to win this game, she is going to have to make a move, a big move. I don’t think she is a move maker and that is why it was hard to leave her in the house.

The hair flip you hit Tiffany with was epic. Which remaining houseguest do you wish you could have hair flipped on your way out the door?  

I’m tired of saying this boy’s name, but Paulie. The reason is, I knew when I got put on the block that they were going to take a swing at me and try and send me home. I told Paulie with the same respect that they gave Frank and told him he was going home, do the same for me. He looked me in the face all week and lied. I appreciate James for telling me the truth. That is why I went back and kissed him. 

You have now missed meeting Zingbot two seasons in a row. Give your best zing to three of the remaining houseguests.

I’m not funny like that… 

Hey Paulie, Derrick and Paul called, they said they want their identities back. Zing!

Hey Corey, does Nicole wear the pants in this relationship or are you going to start making moves on your own? Zing!

Bridgette, I don’t want to Zing her. That poor baby is a Zing within herself. Zing!

Is Nicole playing a better or worse game than she did in season 16?

Definitely a better game. I am actually really proud of her despite what other people may think. She came to play and she is playing hard.

Is Da'Vonne just not cut out for Big Brother? Would you want to see her return to the game again? Who do you think has the round trip ticket? Sound off in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

Big Brother

Brian Porreca