‘Big Brother 18’: First Evicted Returning Player Responds to Viewer Criticism

THR caught up with the first evicted returnee of the season to get his prediction on which showmance is doomed. CBS

THR caught up with the first evicted returnee of the season to get his prediction on which showmance is doomed.

The reveal of returning players Frank Eudy, Da'Vonne Rogers, Nicole Franzel and James Huling earlier this season received a mixed reaction from super fans of Big Brother.

Some argued that said players should not be referred to as vets. Others were confused by the selection. And now fans are critical of how they are playing or not playing the game. After Thursday's live eviction there are only three remaining returnees. The Hollywood Reporter caught up with the first returning player to get the boot, Frank, to get his honest take on the other three choices. 

If it weren’t Da’Vonne, James and Nicole in the house with you this season, what three other former players would you have liked to see come back?

Good question.

Mike: We have a previous relationship so you gone in there with somebody you trust.

Derrick: Derrick is a trustworthy guy who I love talking to outside of the house and I feel like he would have my back.

Johnny Mac: Because he doesn’t mind going up as a pawn on a regular basis.

Do you think Da’Vonne, James and Nicole deserved to return this season? Explain. 

Sure. Why not? They all left impacts on their season. Even Da’Vonne, who was only there for a couple [of weeks], everyone remembers her. James was America’s favorite houseguest and had to do a lot of the heavy lifting in her alliance. Nicole is a competitor and a fan of the game.

Now this time around you missed Zingbot. Give us your best zing for two remaining houseguests of your choice. 

Nicole: I might have coined the term 'Queen of Sheba,' but I think you should be renamed the queen of the showmance. Who is a better cuddler Hayden or Corey? Zing! 

Natalie: This is definitely a season of showmances. You have had your fair share already. By looking at James and Victor, I think you are as confused about what type you prefer as how to play the game. Zing! 

Which showmance do you think will crack first: Nicole and Corey, Paulie and Zakiyah, or James and Natalie? Why? 

I think it is going to be James and Natalie. I’ve heard people talk about getting Natalie out of the house just to get James back in the fold with the boys. I would go after Corey and Nicole first… I wanted Nicole out to get Corey on my side.

You won “America’s Favorite Houseguest” in season 14. How do you respond to super fans who may not be a fan of yours this season? Do you think you will win again?

If you are not a fan of me, that is your cup of tea and it doesn’t really bother me. It has been four years and maybe I have changed or maybe the fans have changed. My story last time was different. I was up on the block every week and I was saving myself. It was the underdog story and everyone likes to root for the underdog.

Does Frank have your vote for "America's Favorite Houseguest?" Which showmance will be target first? Would you have watched a season with Frank, Derrick, Boogie and Johnny Mac playing the game? Sound off in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

Big Brother

Brian Porreca