Adam Rodriguez Talks Jane & Professor Jonathan’s Date On ‘Jane The Virgin’

Jane Villanueva is hot for teacher on The CW's "Jane the Virgin."

And, on Monday night, Jane (Gina Rodriguez) and Professor Jonathan Chavez are going out on a date.

"It's a great date," guest star Adam Rodriguez, who plays Prof Jonathan, told Access Hollywood of the romantic outing ahead for the two characters. "I think it's 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik,' like the Red Hot Chili Peppers album. … Jonathan and Jane have a really comfortable connection and I think that it's so strong that they feel comfortable enough to explore some very interesting and new territory for Jane."

Adam Rodriguez as Professor Jonathan Chavez in 'Jane the Virgin'

Adam Rodriguez as Professor Jonathan Chavez in 'Jane the Virgin' (The CW)

The date will possibly lead to something more, as a sneak peek clip revealed, but it looks like things will be grinding to a halt when Jane mentions she is a virgin.

"I think he realizes the responsibility or the weight, if you will, of her losing her virginity and sort of what emotional attachments go along with that and I think that he understands what that would entail and feels like, 'Well, okay, we could probably deal with this in terms of handling that,' but I think he's very clear with her about where his life is going," Adam said, previewing Jonathan's reaction to when he finds out about Jane. "The professor cares for Jane a lot. [He] probably started caring for her first as a student, but furthermore as a person as they've gotten to know each other and they've had this date and they've had this physical connection that's happening. I think he knows all of the responsibility that goes with sleeping with somebody for their very first time and I think that they're both mature enough to be vocal about it and talk to each other about the whole situation."

'Jane The Virgin': Jane & Jonathan Get Close (Sneak Peek)

Amusingly, one of the things that won't factor into their conversation is Jane being a virgin and having a baby.

"The funny thing is that doesn't even get brought up in the conversation, which is hilarious. Of course she could've adopted the baby. … I thought it was so funny in that moment that it never gets brought up, but I love that it doesn't get brought up, 'cause it leaves the audience a moment to go, 'Wait a minute?'" Adam laughed.

The Jane/Jonathan date is a long time coming, but Adam suspects that his character was aware of Jane's crush for some time.

"They had that moment where she was reading in front of the audience, where I introduce her and she comes up to the podium to read from her work… and she makes a Freudian slip and switches one of the lead character's names with my character's name, Jonathan, and I think in that moment, even if I kind of just had a gut feeling before that, I think that sort of solidified it for the professor that, 'Okay, there's something going on here. I was probably feeling something before that and that was confirmation,'" Adam told Access. "And I think he feels something for her too, but I think he is really somebody that plays by the rules in that sense and he takes his teaching very seriously, takes his students seriously and doesn't want to undermine any of the work that he's trying to do by clouding it with a relationship that isn't ethical. … I think that that was probably his reasons for not acting on it [before]."

Adam joined the cast of "JTV" as a guest star earlier this season, but before that, he was romancing Cookie Lyon (Taraji P. Henson) on "Empire."

"They're so opposite in so many ways and then, in other ways, they are exactly the same," Adam said of his two leading ladies this television season. "I actually think they would be the best of friends, which is funny because in real life the two of them get along fantastically as well. But yeah, Jane is innocent and obviously virginal and yet is really bright and has a whole lot of heart, and Cookie is bright and has tons of heart and yet is so much more streetwise and worldly than Jane is just yet and so I got to play opposite two equally gorgeous women that are playing almost diametrically opposite characters and I was so lucky to have this kind of year of work."

Up next for the actor after his "JTV" stint is a comedy pilot for ABC – "Chunk & Bean."

"I play the father of a 14-year-old boy who is really small for his age, and I'm supposed to be the juxtaposition of that. I'm supposed to be this beefcake-y dad, who's a contractor, and my wife has passed away and we move to this town to kind of restart life and be near some other family that we have there and we have these crazy neighbors that have a son named Chunk," Adam said. "There's just tons of comedy that's going to ensue based on the differences between the two families and then the relationship of the two sons.

"There's just so much heart to the show," he added. "It's such a beautiful relationship between father and son – all of the things that we're challenged with as we're coming of age, and my character has some growing up to do as well, and so I'm just excited to see how all of that will unfold over the course of time, of course if we get picked up."

"Jane the Virgin" airs Monday at 9/8c on The CW after "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend."

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