Iowa Caucus “Lie Witness News” Edition: Jimmy Kimmel Asks How People Voted In L.A. (VIDEO)

Iowa caucus lie witness news


Jimmy Kimmel tricked people on Hollywood Boulevard into talking about how they voted in the caucuses on Monday. Of course, there was only one caucus, and it was in Iowa. Still, people in Los Angeles were willing to talk about how and where they voted, as well as what was being served at their polling stations. See Kimmel’s Iowa Caucus edition of “Lie Witness News” below.

Kimmel introduced the taped segment by noting, “When it comes to politics, you don’t want to seem like you’re uninformed, even if you are uninformed.” He added that since “the Iowa caucuses were undoubtedly the biggest story of the day,” he sent a camera out to “ask people if they got out to vote in it, which of course they did not. Most people have it be in Iowa to vote in the Iowa Caucus.” But that didn’t stop any of them from talking about how they voted.

One man when asked about whether he had voted said, “Yes, I have,” and said he did it “at an elementary school by my house.” Another guy also said he “absolutely” voted at a Lutheran church, and the lines to vote were “not bad.” He further offered how the polling station people were nice and offered him “coffee and a donut.”

A woman replied that “unfortunately” she hasn’t voted yet, but saw people who did, and as a thank you received “free gift cards, free coffee, sandwiches.” A third man also said he voted at a “school down the street.” And his advice to those who hadn’t voted yet? He warned, “You guys need to get your cabooses out there, and go vote!”

Watch the funny Iowa Caucus edition of Jimmy Kimmel’s “Lie Witness News” below.

Michael Lewittes