Kid Rock Endorses Donald Trump: Let “Motherf**king Business Guy” Run Country

Kid Rock Donald Trump

(Getty Images)

Kid Rock is throwing his support behind Donald Trump. He says, “Let the motherf**king business guy run it like a f**king business,” adding Trump’s “campaign has been entertaining as s**t.”

Rock, who supported Mitt Romney in 2012 and leans more toward Republican politics, notes he’s “digging” the GOP presidential frontrunner. “I feel like a lot of people, whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, feel like if you get Hillary or Bernie, or you get Rubio or Cruz or whoever, there’s going to be the same s**t,” the Detroit rocker tells Rolling Stone. He further feels nothing has “f**king changed when anyone’s in office, whether it’s been a Republican or a Democrat in office,” though there have been some politicians who have really “f**ked up.”

For those reasons, Rock supports Trump, and believes we should “let the motherf**king business guy run it like a f**king business.” For the most part, the musician says he agrees with a lot of what the Republican presidential candidate has said, plus there’s the added bonus that “his campaign has been entertaining as s**t.”

Rock suspects he’s backing a winner, and that Trump will get the nomination. “We gotta try something else,” expresses the musician. While he acknowledges he’s “not an expert at political science or anything,” Rock says he follows the issues. “Let the business guy in there. It’s not really working too well running it not like a business. I mean, what business f**king survives when they’re f**king broke?” concludes Rock.

Michael Lewittes