Ashton Irwin Address Posted Online: “You Are The Lowest Human Being”

Ashton Irwin Address Posted Online

(Getty Images)

Ashton Irwin’s home address was posted on the Internet, leading him to beg for privacy while on his holiday break.

The 5 Seconds of Summer drummer returned to his native Australia on Tuesday to celebrate Christmas with his family. He was photographed being picked up at the Sydney Airport by his mother. But the fans who crowded the airport as he arrived weren’t the biggest invasion of privacy.

After his address was leaked on Wednesday, Irwin wrote on his Google+ page, “If you have my address please delete it. It’s my time to be with my family. I love you guys, but I need to be away from people for a while. Thanks to the [expletive] who posted my mum’s address threatening the lives of my family just by doing so. Really, you are one of the lowest human beings I have ever met. Hope you’re happy.”

Fans immediately began showing Irwin support on Twitter, with “#WeLoveYouAshton” becoming a trending topic both worldwide and in the United States. “He doesn’t deserve to feel this way. Give him a break, he’s with his family for gods sake,” wrote one Twitter user. Another said, “People really need to learn the meaning of privacy. Let Ash have time alone with his family. Let him enjoy himself!”

One individual even warned, “If you do not leave this boy alone the fandom is gonna hunt you down and hurt you.” Unfortunately, Irwin is also dealing with paparazzi, who are following his every move. In videos circulating on Twitter, he’s seen asking cameramen to give him and his family space. Tell us what you think of the situation below.

Shari Weiss