Tina Fey And Amy Poehler Take Over “Weekend Update” Again On ‘SNL’ – WATCH VIDEO

Tina Fey Weekend Amy Poehler Return SNL


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler took over the “Weekend Update” anchor desk during the co-hosting of “SNL.” They came on relieve the current “Weekend Update” anchors Colin Jost and Che to tel the last two jokes. Check out the video below.

After Fey and Poehler came on to tremendous applause, Fey told a joke about how a Connecticut school had some of the lyrics changed while singing “Silent Night. Fey cracked that the Virgin Mary was replaced with “over the jeans Mary.” Next, Poehler cited a study that groping and flashing on the New York subways was up 20 percent this year. Poehler cracked, “What can I say? I had a good year!”

As Gossip Cop reported earlier, while Fey has returned to host “SNL” four times before and Poehler once, this is the first time the two former “Saturday Night Live” stars have co-hosted the sketch comedy show together. Of course, they’ve hosted the Golden Globes together for three year in 2013, 2014, and 2015. Poehler and Fey’s hosting of “Saturday Night Live,” as noted earlier, coincides with the Friday release of their new comedy Sisters.

Watch the video below of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler taking over the “Weekend Update” desk again on “Saturday Night Live,” and tell Gossip Cop what you think.

Michael Lewittes