‘Life’ Final Trailer: Robert Pattinson and Dane DeHaan Star In James Dean Movie – WATCH!

Robert Pattinson Life Movie Trailer


Robert Pattinson and Dane DeHaan are featured in the final trailer for their upcoming movie Life, in which the actors star as Life magazine photographer Dennis Stock and movie star James Dean, respectively. Watch the new preview below!

Life is based on the true story of Stock’s relationship with Dean, whom he was assigned to profile and photograph for Life magazine in the early 1950s. The two embarked on a road trip together just one year before the actor’s untimely death at the age of 24. Some of the pictures Stock took of Dean during this time, most notably a portrait of him in New York’s Times Square, went on to become the most iconic images of the legendary star.

The latest preview features new footage from the film that previously hasn’t been released. Some of the supporting actors, such as Ben Kingsley and Joel Edgerton, are more prominently featured in this new trailer. There are also additional plot details revealed, such as a further look at Dean taking Stock to visit his hometown and the family farm on which he grew up.

Life hit theaters and Video-On-Demand on December 4. Watch the final trailer for the movie below, and tell Gossip Cop what you think.

Andrew Shuster