‘Minority Report’: Nick Zano Previews Precogs Origins Story Episode

"Minority Report" is pulling back the brainwave-reading skullcaps on Monday night's episode, with flashbacks to the time when the precogs were set free. 

Nick Zano, who plays Arthur, calls it the "origins episode." 

"That one picks up from [the time when] precrime's over, what do we do with these human beings that we've kind of been strapped down and coma-induced for over a decade?" Nick told reporters on a recent visit to the Fox show's Vancouver set.  

Nick Zano in 'Minority Report' -- 'Honor Among Thieves'

Nick hinted that the episode has eureka-style moments on the way for viewers. 

"[It's] like, 'Oh, that's where that comes from. You weren't always like that. That was the moment that made you cold,'" he said. "I'll tell you this much about that episode – Arthur didn't leave that place mean-spirited. Arthur walked out of that place with innocence and excitement about  life. Several things happened in that episode that kind of show you the death of his innocence."


Laura Regan, who plays Arthur and Dash's stepsister, Agatha, said the script for the episode, titled "Honor Among Thieves," surprised her.

"When I read it the first time, I was actually shocked. I had a certain idea of how we ended up at Fiddler's Neck, and how it was maybe planned for us and so on and that's not the case at all," she said.

 Without any life structure, the three precogs hit a rough patch on their own.

"You see it right from the get go. It's like, what do we do?" she said. "The infighting starts, like, what choices do we make? Where do we go? How do we get there? Where are we going to live? How are we going to survive kind of thing and we each have a different approach to it 'cause that's just our innate characters and it builds from there with each experience that everybody has."

The episode will start to reveal why the precogs developed their unique personalities and ways for coping with life after pre-crime. 

Nick said Arthur, who has come across cold at times, started out much kinder.

"Arthur was genuinely excited about what was about to happen and the opportunities and interacting with people," Nick said. "There's like a really sweet, sweet moment in that episode where he meets a woman who's working at a restaurant and she smiles at him and she was like the first person that's not in his immediate circle [that] actually smiled at him.

"That's a whole moment," Nick continued. "And you realize just the magnitude of his innocence, and what happens in that same episode where that innocence was at its peak, and then it just f***ing dies."

 "Minority Report" airs at 9/8c on Monday night on Fox.

 Production assistance provided by Fox.

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