Jeb Bush Endorses “Supergirl” Star Melissa Benoist: She’s “Pretty Hot” (VIDEO)

Jeb Bush Supergirl Hot

(Getty Images/CBS)

Jeb Bush revealed he finds Melissa Benoist, star of CBS’ upcoming “Supergirl” series, to be “pretty hot.” The presidential candidate made the startling remark during a Q&A at the Libre Forum in Las Vegas on Wednesday. Watch the video below!

After an audience member asked Bush, “Who is your favorite superhero?,” Bush replied, “‘Supergirl’ is on TV. I saw that when I was working out this morning. She looked pretty hot. I don’t know what channel it’s on, but I’m looking forward to that.” Following his comment, Bush laughed and noted, “That will make news.” The 27-year-old actress, best known for her supporting role on “Glee,” plays the title character.

And although Supergirl is a DC Comics character, Bush went on to say, “I like watching the movies. I wish I owned Marvel, as someone that believes in capitalism.” The lighthearted topic followed an hour-long discussion about serious policy, but Bush’s popularity is continuing to decline, according to recent polls. He’s currently trailing behind fellow Republican competitors Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio. Perhaps Bush’s new strategy is to rally votes from comic book fanboys.

As far as Bush’s favorite superhero in general, he revealed, “I kind of like the old-school guys, like Batman.” “Supergirl” premieres on CBS on October 26. Watch the video below, and tell Gossip Cop: Will you be watching the new superhero show along with Bush?

Andrew Shuster