‘Back To The Future Part II’ Predictions: Hits & Misses

In "Back to the Future Part II," Marty McFly arrived in the future on October 21, 2015 and the world was filled with predictions, some fun, some absurd and some way off.

So what did the 1989 sequel get right about life in 2015 – and what predictions were so off that it has us yelling, "Great Scott!" in our best Doc Brown voice!?

AccessHollywood.com runs down the "Back to the Future" sequel's prediction hits and misses:

Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox and in 'Back to the Future' in 1985


Tablets/flatscreens/touch ID/video conferencing/wearable tech: Characters are seen with handheld computers, communication headsets, paying with the touch of a finger and had screens plastered across their homes (they even speak to other people on them) – sound familiar?

Hands-free video games: A young Elijah Wood shades Marty for having to use his hands while playing the retro video game Wild Gunman – did the movie predict PlayStation's Move and Xbox's Kinect hands-free capabilities?

Baseball: A professional baseball team predicted to be in Florida by 2015, check! The Sunshine State has two of them. The Cubs winning the 2015 World Series, as predicted in the movie? Maybe not this year, but still possible and closer than the Chicago team has been in many years.

Movie sequel obsession: While we don't officially have "Jaws 19" (though Universal did make a mock trailer), Hollywood made eight "Harry Potter" films, is about to make the eighth "Fast & Furious" movie and we're guessing at least 15 "Star Wars" films – it's safe to say the 1989 movie knew what movies we'd be eating up 26 years later.

Baseball: A professional baseball team predicted to be in Florida by 2015, check! The Sunshine State has two of them. The Cubs winning the 2015 World Series, as predicted in the movie? Maybe not this year, but still possible and closer than the Chicago team has been in many years.

Pepsi Perfect: In honor of the movie, the soda company is releasing 6,500 limited-edition bottles of Pepsi Perfect, which will only set you back $20.15 per bottle!

Drones covering the news: It's not exactly like the USA Today flying camera seen in the 1989 movie, but drones are used all over the world for shooting footage for media and news companies.

Hoverboards: Just like Marty used in the film, tech company Arx Pax has created a real-life hoverboard, the Hendo prototype. Sadly, it requires electromagnets and a specially prepared metallic surface to work, so not exactly what Marty had, but close (and cool) enough!


Flying cars: We have self-driving cars, but sadly none that fly -- just yet!

Fax machines: The 1989 movie was big on fax machines, they are seen around the house, on mailboxes – even bathrooms… when is the last time you sent or received a fax?

Down-to-the-minute weather forecasts: Your phone can tell you if you need an umbrella for the day, but we're not able to predict the precise moment the rain will stop or start.

Auto-fit/self-drying clothes: Who wouldn't love a jacket like Marty's that dries itself and adjusts at the touch of a button… unfortunately, this is just a cool movie detail and not reality.

Lawyers abolished: Doc Brown informs Marty, "The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they've abolished all lawyers" in 2015 – lawyers are still here, probably forever.

Auto dog walkers: Robots walking your dog? Not unless you tie your pet to a drone or a Roomba – which just seems a little cruel, please do not attempt this!

Home food hydrators: A steaming hot pizza fresh out of the McFly family's "Black & Decker Hydrator," – still just movie sci-fi fun. 

"Bojo" as insult: Remember when Griff's gang of future thugs call Marty a "bojo," "Hey, McFly, you bojo! Those boards don't work on water!" Urban Dictionary defines it as short for "bone jockey," but we can't find anyone in the office tossing around "bojo" – and let's keep it that way!

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