‘Big Brother 17’: A Returning Juror Competition Makes the House Dizzy

The jury twist is back and a player will re-enter the game.  Sonja Flemming/CBS

The jury twist is back and a player will re-enter the game.

"Their game might not be over," Julie Chen reminds audiences that either Steve or Johnny Mac will get a chance to get back in the game in Big Brother 17's tenth live eviction of the summer. "Say goodbye, you don't got my vote," Vanessa told Steve in the "Power of Veto" episode, but was he the one sent packing? Chen points out that Vanessa, "has controlled who has gone home week after week." It looks like her bigger threat was the rock star dentist Johnny Mac as opposed to the super fan genius Steve. "Their decision could backfire on them," Chen reminds audiences as now Johnny Mac, Becky, Jackie, and Shelli have one shot to get back in the game. 

Here are the most memorable moments from this season's (almost) tenth live eviction:

Cry, cry, and cry again. Zingbot pointed out her crying game, and after her veto speech she lived up to the zing. Are Vanessa's tears really strategy or is she starting to lose it? It's a little bit of both. The way she talks down to Steve though comes off as bullying. She may have kept Steve over Johnny Mac because she's able to corner and intimidate the trombonist from New York. He has admitted to being awkward, but has built confidence since entering the house even playing a game he has never played before: truth or dare. So how is anyone going to root for the professional poker player who is trying to knock him down? Will she end up playing like Amanda from season 15 or are her tears a nod to Dan Gheesing's funeral? Well, it's definitely not the latter. So if she doesn't make it to the final two, she could experience some boos on eviction night. 

Prank his way to finale night. "Dodged a bullet on that one," says James after he avoided the block this week. One of the reasons Austin and the twins didn't take a shot at James this week is because they admitted on the live feeds that they have a lot of fun with him and Meg. Speaking of Meg. . . "I bet you have a great shower voice," James tells her, joking around as he has done all summer. He's not different at home either, but his friends admit that he'll need another ally besides Meg to ensure his safety. They also joke about his love for chick flicks. Has this season just been a romcom starring Meg and James? Maybe. All fans can agree that either way James is the leading man and could take half a million dollars home. 

The loudest cheers of the summer. Of course the audience gets loud for the fan favorite of the summer, Johnny Mac.  "They went insane for him," Julia points out. The live audience's fandom was almost as loud as Johnny Mac's diary room sessions all summer long. "A lot of people don't take me seriously," Johnny Mac tells Julie. Well, lucky for him they might have to start taking him seriously because he could end up back in the game. 

The sweetest confrontation. Johnny Mac and Liz both eating peaches while having somewhat of a confrontation is an indirect shout out to this season's Georgia peach, Shelli. Before the close of the live eviction, she looked like she had the best shot at winning the endurance competition and both getting back in the game and winning HoH for the week. Who didn't? Julia, Meg, and Steve were the first three who fell off.

Who do you think has the best shot at getting back in the game? Is Vanessa bullying Steve? Who should James align with other than Meg? Sound off in the comments section and take THR's poll to vote for who has the best shot at winning the entire game.

Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.

Big Brother

Brian Porreca