Caitlyn Jenner Reveals She Keeps Olympic Medal In Her Makeup Drawer (VIDEO)

Caitlyn Jenner Medal WhoSay

(Caitlyn Jenner/WhoSay)

Caitlyn Jenner has just showed the whole world, and any potential burglars, exactly where she stores her prized gold Olympic medal. Watch below!

As it turns out, the world’s most recognizable transgender reality star stashes the priceless keepsake in the bottom of her makeup drawer. Jenner made the surprising revelation, and gave fans a peek into her enormous bathroom, in a video posted Wednesday on WhoSay. The clip, filmed with the help of a selfie stick, was in response to a question from a fan.

“That was a great time in my life,” Jenner says of winning the gold at the Olympics. “But to be honest with you, it is an even greater time in my life right now and what I am trying to accomplish with this. So this means a lot to me.”

But why is the medal kept hidden away in a drawer? The former decathlon champ notes that she never displayed it in her home because, “I never wanted my kids to feel like they had to have a gold medal in order to be considered a success. I didn’t want them to constantly compare their own achievements to my time in the Olympics.”

Check out the video below. TELL US: What do you think of Jenner hiding her Olympic medal in her makeup drawer?

Sean Daly