Alec And Hilaria Baldwin Did NOT Hire Sex Therapist Dr. Ruth To Save Marriage, Despite Report

Alec Baldwin dr ruth

(Getty Images)

Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria did not hire sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer in an effort save their marriage. The story is completely untrue.

According to the National Enquirer, Alec and Hilaria are in a “desperate bid to save their marriage” now that the stress of raising young children has taken a toll on the 57-year-old actor. A “source” claiming to be close to the couple alleges, “They’ve been fighting a lot. Alec’s always been a hothead with her, but now it’s gotten even worse.”

The so-called “insider” further tells the magazine, “Alec is permanently tired and irritable, and it’s driving Hilaria nuts,” adding that she’s moved into a separate bedroom. The “source” then maliciously states, “Alec is no help around the house and he’s hopeless with the kids… Now he’s packing on the pounds again, and Hilaria’s had enough.”

The Enquirer drags famed sex therapist Dr. Ruth into this made-up story, alleging that she’s been advising the couple. But none of this is true. The magazine clearly has an axe to grind with Baldwin, referring to the actor throughout the piece as “grouchy,” “grumpy,” and “bloated.”

The tabloid is simply creating marital drama where none exists. Baldwin’s rep says there’s truth to this mean-spirited story.

Andrew Shuster