Justin Bieber Pulls Out Of Montreal Beachclub Party, Accuses Promoter Of “Lying” And Breaking Contact

Justin Bieber Beachclub Canceled


Justin Bieber pulled out of his Beachclub party on Saturday with just hours’ notice after the Montreal venue’s promoter allegedly broke their contact.

The superstar announced the news on Twitter Saturday morning, writing, “Montreal due to the promoter of today’s event breaking his contract and lying I will not be able to attend today’s event. I’m sorry.” He went on to tweet, “I look forward to coming back to Montreal in the future to do a proper show but I will not be able to attend 2day due to this breach. Thanks.”

The cancellation is reportedly due to lack of payment. Bieber, who had signed a deal worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, was to be paid half the money at the contract signing and the remaining half two days before the event. That time frame has now come and gone, and while Bieber did receive the first half, he was never paid the remaining money.

The event’s promoter has apparently gone MIA, and the club (which hosted Kylie Jenner’s birthday bash last weekend) hasn’t coughed up the balance either, forcing Bieber to pull the plug. Interestingly, prior to the cancellation announcement, TMZ had posted a story about Beachclub allegedly spending $20,000 to build Bieber a custom floating skate ramp for the party. In exchange, Bieber supposedly agreed to perform three songs.

While the news is no doubt a disappointment for local fans, Bieber did assure his Beliebers, “I do look forward to seeing everyone in Jones beach with @Skrillex on Sunday. Thanks and #6Days.” “#6Days,” of course, is a reference to the star’s ongoing countdown to the release of his new single, “What Do You Mean?” TELL US: What do you think of Bieber bailing on Beachclub at the last minute?

Shari Weiss