‘Big Brother 17’: Who Has the Best Shot at Winning?

THR ranks the final eight houseguests.  Sonja Flemming/CBS

THR ranks the final eight houseguests.

"The only difference is, tonight one of them must leave," host Julie Chen said of Johnny Mac and Becky both on the block.

It's now day 64 in the Big Brother house, so Chen brought some replays of moments from the game to the houseguests in order to keep them entertained. The clips included Meg breaking a fall with her face and James continuing his prank marathon. Who didn't get the last laugh though? This week, it looks like Becky's game went off the rails, leaving the final eight houseguests left to battle it out.

So, who's got the power?

Before a jury member returns next week, it's time to rank who currently has the best shot at taking the half million dollars home.  

8. Vanessa: This could go either way. If she survives another week, then as Shelli said tonight, "If they want any chance of winning this game they got to get her out." But, she's currently the target this week no matter who wins. Austin and the twins claim they'll throw the "Head of Household" to make sure someone else gets the job done, so it looks like the once front runner no longer has the best hand.

7. Meg: She may float her way to the final two, but that doesn't mean she's playing the best game. She also has no shot of winning if she makes it there on finale night. It's time for her to step up and help her "Asian hillbilly" James. That doesn't mean losing another "Head of Household" in the first round like tonight! Looks like she's still just playing for second place. 

6. Steve: He'll likely win another "Head of Household" in the next double eviction of the summer, but can he handle the pressure? If he takes a shot at a target like Austin or the twins than write him a check, but if he knocks out the safe choice, Meg, then his game was wasted. "Steve has always talked to himself to a degree," his mom admits in tonight's episode. He has the support from his mayor and #Trombonists, but unless he steps up in the final weeks the other houseguests' fear of his brains will ultimately get him booted. 

5. Austin: Right now he's never been nominated, but when he does, most likely with Liz, he'll throw the "Power of Veto" competition and seal his fate. If him and the twins can keep trading off power for the rest of the summer, they could be a three headed monster final three, but it's highly unlikely.

4. Johnny Mac: As much as America loves him, currently his closest ally is Steve and that doesn't look too promising at the moment. In tonight's episode they both decided to align with Austin, Liz, and Julia in order to remain safe, but can that plan actually work? If Shelli or Becky come back in the game he could wipe out the other houseguests like Novocaine and sneak his way to finale night. 

3. Julia: The man who likes to give her sister hickeys, among other things has been a shield for the two twins from Miami. It could be a "Twin Takeover" with both her and her sister in the final two, but it's doubtful that she'll make history by being the first winner to not have their face on the memory wall until the middle of the game. 

2. James: Big Brother gods send this man a "Diamond Power of Veto." He deserves it. If Jackie returns to the game and helps out him and Meg, then he will walk away half a million dollars richer, but right now Austin and the twins are standing in his way. 

1. Liz: Becky admitted that if she gets back in the house she'll target the twin, but will that matter? Before the game started she would not have been on the radar to win, but count her votes. She'll for sure have three votes in the jury with her sister, her stalker, and Vanessa so will only need two more to win the game. With the numbers on her side, for votes and currently in the game her and her sister could both even make the final two. A season 8 repeat, but with twins. If she's sitting next to James though, by a miracle sent by Big Brother fans everywhere, then she'll lose to the prankster of the summer. 

Who do you think has the best shot of winning this season? Remember there's a difference between who you want to win and who will win. Take the poll below and chat about it in the comments section. Stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

Big Brother

Brian Porreca