Jared Fogle’s Wife Katie McLaughlin Files For Divorce After Child Porn And Sex With Kids Charges

Jared Fogle katie McLaughlin divorce

(Getty Images)

Jared Fogle’s wife, Katie McLaughlin, immediately filed for divorce as soon as she learned the full scope his alleged crimes, which includes having sex with minors. According to court documents filed on Wednesday in Boone County Superior Court, McLaughlin cited an “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.” What’s most striking, though, is that she also listed Wednesday as the day of the couple’s separation, meaning that while she was probably apprised of the underage child porn photos and videos, she was shocked to learn about him having sex with kids.

McLaughlin is asking the court to determine issues related to the custody of her and Fogle’s son and daughter. Her court filing reads, “The Wife requests a custody order that serves the best interests of the parties’ children.” She’s also asking the court to “divide and distribute” their assets in a “reasonable” manner.

On Wednesday, Fogle was charged with possessing and distributing child pornography and engaging in illicit sexual conduct with a minor. While he initially pleaded not guilty, the former Subway spokesman is expected to change his plea to guilty as part of a deal that would place him in prison for somewhere between five and 12 years.

It was revealed by investigators that Fogle had been engaging in this behavior for eight years and had 14 victims, 10 of whom are still minors. Investigators also uncovered 159,634 text messages, 27,140 emails, 47,623 images, and 3,394 videos related to Fogle’s illicit activities.

Shortly before filing for divorce, McLaughlin said in a statement, “I am extremely shocked and disappointed by the recent developments involving Jared.”

Michael Lewittes