Jessica Simpson And Eric Johnson Do NOT Get Waxes Together To “Spice Up Sex Life,” Despite Report

Jessica Simpson Waxes Eric Johnson

(Getty Images)

Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson do not get waxes together in an effort to “spice up their sex life,” despite a new tabloid report. Gossip Cop can exclusively debunk this absurd story. We’re told it’s “untrue.”

According to Star, Simpson and Johnson are “hooked” on joint waxing sessions. “They have a professional come to the house to do it every two weeks now,” a supposed “insider” tells the tabloid. The magazine further claims that Simpson gets waxed from “head to toe,” while Johnson enjoys having his “ears, fingers, and feet done, plus a bit of shaping around his hairline and beard.”

The tabloid’s story gets even more ludicrous when a so-called “pal” of the couple claims they have waxing sessions to heat up things in the bedroom. “She didn’t realize what a kick they would get from it,” the “friend” is quoted as saying. The phony source even alleges Simpson and Johnson get off on the pain caused by the procedure. “They don’t mind and even joke that it’s added a little bit of edge to their sex life.”

Gossip Cop has spent an inordinate amount of time debunking Star stories about Simpson and Johnson supposedly having marital troubles and, as we reported, none of those tales were true. Regardless, we checked in with an impeccable Simpson source, who exclusively tells Gossip Cop that the singer actually “laughed” when reading the tabloid’s latest story. Our source assures us the claim about Simpson and Johnson getting waxed together to spruce up their love life is entirely “untrue.”

Andrew Shuster