Jared Fogle Taking Full “Responsibility For Wrongdoing” In Child Porn Case (VIDEO)

Jared Fogle Statement Child Porn

(Getty Images)

Jared Fogle is taking full “responsibility for his wrongdoing,” his attorney said outside an Indiana court on Wednesday. See video below.

As Gossip Cop reported, Fogle pleaded not guilty in an initial hearing on charges of traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor, as well as possessing and distributing child pornography. At a future court appearance, Fogle is expected to change his plea to guilty. It will be up to the judge to sign off on the proposed plea deal, and decide on the sentence, which is expected to be between five and 12 years in prison.

Fogle left court without commenting. But lawyer Jeremy Margolis said the former Subway spokesperson “expects to go to prison.” Margolis also claimed Fogle suffers from a “medical problem,” and is seeking “appropriate treatment.” Still, it was said that by pleading guilty, he will “fully and completely acknowledge the responsibility for his wrongdoing,” and that the $1.4 million he will pay in victim restitution “can’t undo the damage that’s been done.”

After those comments, the U.S. Attorney’s office and prosecutors held their own press conference, in which it was revealed investigators uncovered 159,634 txt messages, 27,140 emails, 47,623 images & 3,394 videos related to child pornography. They also identified 14 victims, 12 in the state of Indiana, and noted that Fogle’s illegal conduct continued from 2007 through June. Four of the victims are now adults, while 10 are still minors.

It was also said that some of the victims didn’t know of Fogle’s fame as a Subway spokesperson. Gossip Cop will continue to have updates. See video below of Fogle leaving court and his attorney peaking to the media.

Shari Weiss