Sarah Hyland Trips On Stage And Drops F-Bomb At Teen Choice Awards (VIDEO)

Sarah Hyland Trips Teen Choice Awards

(Getty Images)

Sarah Hyland tripped and nearly fell when she walked out on stage to present an award at Sunday’s 2015 Teen Choice Awards. The startled “Modern Family” star responded by dropping an F-bomb on live television. Watch the video below.

Hyland, who hosted last year’s ceremony, came out on stage alongside actor Skylar Astin to present the first award of the night, “Choice Comedian,” which wound up going to Ellen DeGeneres. But before Hyland got to the microphone, she tripped over a piece of set decoration and started to stumble forward before catching her balance. The actress then threw her hands up in the air, and yelled “Are you f*cking kidding me?!” But luckily for the censors, the background music rendered her voice inaudible.

“I do that sometimes, guys. I’m awkward like that,” Hyland told the audience when she got to the microphone. The actress later took to Twitter to poke fun at her awards show snafu. She wrote, “You guys. I tripped. I tripped on camera. I tripped on stage in front of all you. #mylife #clumsyforlife.”

She also posted a screenshot of the incident along with the caption, “Like a graceful swan.” But a Twitter user named @BeccaLuvsFilm93 tweeted her support to the actress, writing, “Fact: only cool people trip when walking up on stage. Ex. @Sarah_Hyland and Jennifer Lawrence.” Hyland retweeted the fan’s kind words and responded, “I’m gonna take this and run as far as possible… Without tripping.”

Watch the video below of Sarah Hyland tripping on stage at the 2015 Teen Choice Awards.

Andrew Shuster