54 Thoughts You Have When Flying With A Colleague

Getting on an airplane is weird, especially when it’s with your coworker.

1. Great, another business trip.
2. I can't be a wreck when I travel. Must keep it together.
3. Although, chances are, Colleague X is also a wreck when traveling.
4. Maybe this will bring us closer together?
5. Hmm. Should probably avoid being a mess all together — very unprofessional.
6. Yes. I will be totally professional. I will have my fancy carry-on and my hair will look perfect.
7. Will be like Anna Kendrick in Up in the Air.

Paramount Pictures

8. Should I ask Colleague X to go to the airport together? Is that weird?
9. It's not like we carpool to work together...why would we ride together for this?
10. What should I definitely NOT talk about?
11. What mistakes have I made at work recently? Definitely don't reference those.
12. Should I suggest we get a drink before the flight?
13. Everyone needs alcohol before a flight.
14. Even at 11 a.m., right?


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