‘Game Of Thrones’: ‘High Sparrow’ – ARTICLE

Arya Stark took a step toward becoming no one, Sansa got engaged, Cersei tried to make a new ally and a familiar face returned in Sunday's "Game of Thrones."

There was also plenty of scheming, plotting and merging of storylines.

Here's our recap of the big events in "Game of Thrones" Season 5, Episode 3 – "High Sparrow":

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Arya Stark

Inside the House of Black and White, Arya Stark has been sweeping for days. She's seen a few things while wiping up the dust – Jaqen gave a man a drink from a small pool, they exchanged a few words (Valar Morghulis; Valar Dohaeris) and he died – but she's been getting bored while doing the household chores. "I want to serve!" she tells Jaqen. "A girl wants to serve herself. Here we serve the many faced god. To serve well, a girl must become no one," he says before exiting. As the dead man's body is taken out by others inside the House, Arya turns to another woman working – Waif (actress Faye Marsay from "The White Queen"). "Where are they taking him?" Arya asks her. Waif says nothing.

Margaery Tyrell

Dean-Charles Chapman as Tommen Baratheon and Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Dean-Charles Chapman as Tommen Baratheon and Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Over in King's Landing, third time's the charm for Margaery Tyrell who succeeds in having a disaster-free wedding to King Tommen Baratheon, and manages to consummate the marriage later that night (very quickly, according to their bedroom chat). Once the deed is done and she's locked down that Queen title, Margaery quickly turns to plotting, cooing to her young husband about how wonderful his mother is and how she'll (Cersei) never let him out of her sight (hint, hint).

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Cersei Lannister

Dean-Charles Chapman as Tommen Baratheon and Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister (Macall B. Polay/HBO)
Dean-Charles Chapman as Tommen Baratheon and Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister (Macall B. Polay/HBO)

A nice little walk on the palace walls reveals Tommen is easily influenced by his new bride. He immediately begins asking his mother if she'd be happier moving back to Casterly Rock.

Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Her son's words on her mind, Cersei puts on the performance of her life after walking up to Margaery (who is entertaining her ladies in waiting with stories about the wedding night). With a smile, Margaery greets her new mother-in-law, making a joke (dig) about how she wishes they had wine to offer Cersei, but it's too early for them to drink. Cersei doesn't take the bait. "If there's anything I can do for you," Cersei says, offering her services to the new Queen. Before she departs, Margaery honey-coats several more digs – "What's the proper way to address you now -- Queen Mother or the dowager Queen?" she asks, before going one further and telling Cersei she'll likely be a Queen grandmother soon. But Cersei keeps her cool. "Remember," she tells Margaery, "anything you need…"

The Boltons

Up North, it seems Ramsay Bolton has been flaying people, as there are corpses strung up at the castle. Seeing the bodies terrifies Reek (Theon). Ramsay's been doing it in order to get Lords to pay their taxes. Roose Bolton thinks that's a less than wise tactic, especially because he has bad news -- they don’t have enough men to hold the North if the other houses rise up against them. He had a pact with Tywin Lannister, and with Tywin gone, no one is going to save them -- unless they have a new alliance through marriage. "As it happens, I found the perfect girl to solidify our hold on the North," Roose says.

Sansa Stark

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark and Aidan Gillen as Littlefinger (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark and Aidan Gillen as Littlefinger (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Standing on a grassy bank, Sansa notices Moat Cailin in the distance. "Your marriage proposal, it wasn't for you," she says, realizing what Petyr Baelish has been up to. "Roose Bolton murdered my brother, he betrayed my family. He serves the Lannisters," a distraught Sansa tells Littlefinger, upon realizing the details of his plan. "Winterfell is your home," he tells her. "Always. … You're a Stark. Dyeing your hair doesn't change that. You're Sansa Stark, eldest surviving child of Ned and Catelyn Stark. Your place is in the North," he adds. But it's not Roose she's marrying. It's Ramsay. "You've been a bystander to tragedy since the day they executed your father. Stop being a bystander. Stop running," he tells Sansa. "There's no justice in the world, not unless we make it. You loved your family -- avenge them."

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Podrick Payne & Brienne Of Tarth

Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne and Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne and Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth (Helen Sloan/HBO)

High up on a hill, Brienne watches Sansa and Littlefinger below. She and Pod have been following them. When Brienne and Pod stop for a rest, there's a heart to heart between them. Swapping sad stories from their pasts bonds them and Brienne decides to change Pod's future. She'll teach him to fight and be a knight (even if she isn't officially one herself). And there's another promise. She will one day kill Stannis to avenge her beloved friend Renly.

The Wall

At Castle Black, Jon Snow has made a decision. He will not become Lord Jon Stark. He turns down King Stannis' offer officially, and asks how long Stannis' party will be staying – "Winter is coming" and they can't keep feeding his men and the Wildling prisoners. Within the fortnight, Stannis' men will march on Winterfell, the King reveals. As for the Wildlings, Stannis suggests seeing if Tormund is willing to compromise more than Mance. He also suggests Jon send Ser Alliser Thorne away as a savvy political move. Davos lingers behind to talk – and to try and inspire Jon to act on other matters. "As long as the Boltons rule the North, the North will suffer. Just one man's opinion," he says.

Arya Stark

Faye Marsay as Waif and Maisie Williams as Arya Stark (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Faye Marsay as Waif and Maisie Williams as Arya Stark (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Back in Braavos, Arya is resting on a bed when Waif comes in and taunts her to the point that Arya is ready to whip out Needle. Jaqen comes in before Arya can do any damage. She's ready to become no one, Arya tells him, but he points out "no one" still has Arya Stark's things. Attempting to prove him wrong, she goes outside, bids a tearful goodbye to her old clothes and The Hound's purse of coins and drops them in the sea (she is now in a simple dress like Waif). Needle, she buries in rocks. Back inside, Jaqen escorts Arya to a new room – one where a body is lying on a table. Without speaking, Waif starts undressing the body to clean it and gives Arya a look to come and help.

Sansa Stark & The Boltons

Michael McElhatton as Roose Bolton, Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton and Elizabeth Webster as Walda Frey (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Michael McElhatton as Roose Bolton, Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton and Elizabeth Webster as Walda Frey (Helen Sloan/HBO)

The man formerly known as Theon Greyjoy (now Reek) watches from above as Sansa rides in and is greeted by Roose Bolton. She takes a moment before speaking, but then, smiles sweetly and curtesys. Next, she meets Ramsay, her future husband (his gal pal from his Season 4 hunting days, watches and fumes). After the introductions, Sansa is taken to her chamber by an older woman. "Welcome home, Lady Stark. The North remembers," the woman says.

The Wall

Kit Harington as Jon Snow (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Kit Harington as Jon Snow (Helen Sloan/HBO)

At The Wall, Jon is taking care of business as Lord Commander. He orders one man to dig a new latrine pit, and he names Ser Alliser Thorne First Ranger. That move goes down without incident, but when he puts Janos Slynt is charge of Gray Guard, a fort in ruin, Janos is outraged and turns him down. "You mistake me, my lord. That was not an offer," Jon says. Janos stands up and refuses. "You can stick your order up your bastard a***," he says. Without hesitation, Jon acts, ordering the men to take Janos outside. Ollie is tasked with getting Jon's sword. Janos is dragged outside, his head put on the chopping block. One last swig from his cup and Jon heads out, everyone watching his every move – including King Stannis. At the chopping block, Jon unsheathes his sword and tells Janos to share any last words. "I was wrong," Janos says, begging for mercy. "I'm afraid. I've always been afraid," he says, crying. There's no place for cowards at The Wall and Jon passes the sentence and swings the sword, chopping off the man's head. A moment later, he locks eyes with Stannis across the courtyard. The King nods

Cersei Lannister & The High Sparrow

Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister and Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow (Macall B. Polay/HBO)
Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister and Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow (Macall B. Polay/HBO)

It's time to pay in King's Landing for one not-very-holy man. Lancel Lannister and his fellow Sparrows head into Lord Baelish's brothel just as the High Septon was preparing for his fun with prostitutes. "You are a sinner and you shall be punished," Lancel tells him, before the High Septon is forced to walk through the streets as others hiss "sinner" at him. He's hit when he tries to cover up his modesty. Once he is clothed again in his holy robes, the High Septon complains to the Small Council. It prompts Cersei to go and meet the High Sparrow for the first time. He's in rags and shoeless, and he shares his philosophy with Cersei. She reveals the High Septon is now in the Red Keep dungeon. "The faith and the crown are the two pillars that hold up this world. One collapses, so does the other. We must do everything necessary to protect one another," she says.

Tyrion & Varys

Conleth Hill as Varys and Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Conleth Hill as Varys and Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Half the world away, Tyrion can't take traveling in the carriage with Varys any longer so they stop the horses and the two men (one reluctantly) head out into Volantis. While walking around, they spot a Red Priestess preaching about a savior born to save them all – the Dragon Queen. For some reason though, she looks up and sees Tyrion. Uncomfortable at being noticed, he and Varys quickly make their exit and hurry into a brothel. It's a lively place where a woman cosplaying as Daenerys (minus pants) is quite popular, except with one patron drinking his troubles away in a corner – Jorah Mormont! And later that night, as Tyrion is by himself, using a stream as a latrine, Tyrion and Jorah's storylines merge. After putting a rope around Tyrion's body and a gag in his mouth, Jorah takes the Lannister captive and reveals his plan. "I'm taking you to the Queen," he says.

"Game of Thrones" continues Sundays at 9 PM ET/PT on HBO.

-- Jolie Lash

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