WATCH: President Obama Mocks Himself, The Media, And Politicians At White House Correspondents’ Dinner (VIDEO)

Obama White House Correspondents Dinner


President Obama mocked himself, the media, and a slew of politicians, including Hillary Clinton and John Boehner, as well as a few celebrities at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington on Saturday night. See video of the president’s speech below.

Obama made a few jokes about how people think he’s a Muslim. He cracked that it’s amazing how much work he gets done, “All while finding time to pray five times a day.” He then said he raised a lot of money during campaigns, noting, “but in all fairness, my middle name is Hussein.” The president also talked about how the presidency aged him. “I look so old,” said Obama, “John Boehner’s already invited [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to speak at my funeral.”

Obama also touched on a number of well-covered topics. Slyly referring to Hillary Clinton, Obama said times were tough and that he knew a woman “making millions of dollars a year, now living out of a van in Iowa.” There were also jokes about White House fence jumpers, and how tight Obama has become with Joe Biden. The president cracked, in reference to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, that he and Biden have gotten so close, there’s a “place in Indiana that won’t serve us pizza anymore.”

The president pointed out that the cast of “Blackish” was at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. He then warned ABC, from personal experience, that being blackish “only makes you popular for so long. There’s a shelf-life to that thing.” He also mocked Donald Trump, who was in the crowd, saying, “Donald Trump is here… still.”

And there was way more, including jokes about the different cable companies and a bit with comedian Keegan-Michael Key, in which he played Obama’s “anger translator.” Check out the video below of President Obama’s speech at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, and tell us what you think.

Michael Lewittes