Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez Never Miscarried Justin Bieber’s Babies: Life & Style Sinks To New Low

Miley Cyrus Selena Gomez Pregnant Miscarriage

(Life & Style)

Justin Bieber has gotten both Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus pregnant, according to a completely ridiculous Life & Style story the tabloid decided to run on its new cover in a desperate bid for attention. Gossip Cop can bust the report, which is somehow even worse than you might imagine.

Please keep in mind: Last November, Life & Style published a cover story featuring “pregnancy bombshells” for both Gomez and Cyrus. The outlet spread false speculation about a Gomez baby with Bieber and a Cyrus baby with Patrick Schwarzenegger. Both stories were 100 percent made up. In January, Life & Style spread more lies, falsely alleging that Gomez had been impregnated by Zedd. That was made up, too. Life & Style makes up lots of stuff.

But this new cover story sinks even lower. According to the tabloid, an imaginary “feud” between Gomez and Cyrus is linked to Bieber allegedly having gotten both of them pregnant. Life & Style claims the supposed battle between Gomez and Cyrus is “likely to continue for many, many more years” because they “share a scandalous secret that makes it hard for them to ever reconnect.” The “secret,” says Life & Style, is that both women were pregnant by Bieber and miscarried the babies.

The magazine alleges that Gomez miscarried Bieber’s baby in 2012, and claims that before that, when the couple was on a break, Bieber impregnated Cyrus, who also purportedly miscarried. Life & Style invented both miscarriages. The outlet fabricated the tearful revelations by both women that they had lost the pregnancies. And the tabloid is using the never-happened miscarriages as an excuse to write about an alleged fight between Gomez and Cyrus, trivializing actual miscarriages that are suffered by real pregnant women in order to exploit a trio of celebrities for newsstand sales.

“Shared sorrow could have brought Miley and Selena together,” says Life & Style. “Instead, it turned a budding rivalry into a bitter feud.” This is sick. As Gossip Cop has reported in the past and can once again here: Cyrus and Gomez were NEVER pregnant, much less by the same man. And trying to link them together in some kind of phony-miscarriage feud is as reprehensible as it is fictional.

Daniel Gates