‘Arrow’s’ Paul Blackthorne: Lance ‘On The Warpath!’ – ARTICLE

Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance in 'Arrow' (The CW)
Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance in 'Arrow' (The CW)

Roy Harper surrendered after telling the Starling City Police he is the Arrow, but watching that act was crushing for Captain Quentin Lance.

"It kind of breaks Lance's heart," Paul Blackthorne, who plays the officer on The CW's "Arrow" told Access Hollywood. "Lance has known Roy Harper since he was a tiny little kid running around The Glades… In Season 1, he tried to put him off the whole Arrow adulation thing. Remember he showed him that corpse and tried to get him off him then? And now, seeing him working with the Arrow, and here, taking the fall for The Arrow, as I said, it's breaking Lance's heart and he is going to do everything he can to stop that happening and continue, of course, his pursuit of Oliver Queen.

"To see little Roy Harper sitting there taking the fall – it's shocking for Lance," Paul continued. "It's an injustice -- complete injustice. Lance is on the warpath, he's still after Queen and he's gonna prove whatever he has to prove."

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It was Ra's al Ghul who revealed to Lance that Oliver Queen is the Arrow, a move that quickly put even more heat on Stephen Amell's hero-in-green.

As for why Ra's isn't on the receiving end of Lance's wrath, Paul said his character is singularly focused on bringing down Oliver, one of the people, who like his daughter Laurel, didn't tell him about the death of his other daughter, Sara.

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"I think there will be plenty of places to explore that in another storyline," he said of Lance's feelings about Ra's. "Don't forget, at the moment, it's all about proving that Oliver Queen is the Arrow, as everybody knows, and stopping this injustice against Roy Harper, for whatever reasons he's putting himself up for it. And obviously, Lance is directing a lot of his anger about the Arrow/Oliver Queen [at Oliver for] not telling him about Sara's death. He's still holding on to the that. These are people that didn't tell a father for three months that his daughter was dead. That's pretty full on, you know what I mean? That's pretty heavy stuff and also, at the time, when those arrows start flying around and dropping the bodies and the Arrow's being framed, that was great. That was just for something for Lance to jump on. It's like, 'Great. Well, he's clearly going around murdering people now,' so [Lance] could direct his anger in that direction too. … He's feeling a bit sensitive at the moment, Lance, let's face it."

There was once a time when Lance worked in harmony with the Arrow, and even tolerated Oliver, so what would it take to sort out the problems between the two men?

"There's a lot to let go of, isn't there? There's a betrayal in not telling him about his daughter, seemingly perhaps being part of Roy Harper taking the fall and as far as I can see, Roy Harper's just a naive little kid whose being set up for this," Paul said.

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Maybe it's time to call in Dr. Melfi (Tony Soprano's psychiatrist), Access joked while speaking with Paul.

"I'd do anything to have a scene Lorraine Bracco, that would be fantastic," Paul said of our suggestion. "I think… some major counselling needs to go on between [Oliver and Lance]. But ultimately, who knows? Time could heal, little bit of counselling, couple of man hugs and hey, nobody's perfect. Let's move on. Let's try to keep Starling City on the straight and narrow. Who knows? But right now, yeah, he's got one or two things to get over."

Filming on "Arrow" Season 3 is nearly complete and Paul is hoping to spend some of his summer traveling to Africa for a cause he is championing -- stopping elephant poaching. Like co-star Stephen Amell before him, who did campaigns for F*** Cancer and other causes, Paul now has his own Represent.com T-shirt campaign, and proceeds go to an organization aimed at deterring poachers.

"I'm actually going to be working with Air Shepherd, which is the organization that I'm donating the money that we raise to. And what they do is they have these super computers and these drones that they're flying in the areas where the poaching is taking place," Paul said. "The computers predict the movements of the poachers, the animals. The drones confirm that information and then they send their rangers in and they put a stop to the poaching, and basically, where the drones fly, the poaching stops. And what we want to do is obviously expand the areas that the drones fly in, hence raising money for that reason. … I'm hoping that schedule will allow that I'm able to get there in June so we can roll some camera on this very specific issue because the increase on it is just horrific in what's going on, so we're going to do the best we can."

For Paul, it's all about helping wild elephants.

"The elephant situation has just been breaking my heart in recent times, so that's the one I've decided to concentrate on," he said.

"Arrow" continues Wednesday at 8/7c on The CW.

-- Jolie Lash

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