Kim Kardashian: How I Spend My Day

Kim Kardashian Diary


Kim Kardashian gives Harper’s Bazaar a look at a day in her life, keeping a diary of her activities for a new story in conjunction with the release of her Selfish book of selfies. For anyone who craves an hour-by-hour account of Kardashian’s doings, it’s a must-read. Gossip Cop has pared down the feature into some highlights, starting with the moment Kardashian opens her eyes at 6 a.m.

“I sleep with my Blackberry, my iPhone, and the baby monitor next to my bed, and at first I can hardly see the screens because they’re so bright and my room is so dark,” she says. “I check the monitor, and then I kind of squint an eye and look at e-mails. I don’t respond to them right away; I scroll through. The first person I talk to is Kanye because he’s right there next to me in bed.”

Kardashian goes on to explain, “My first real conversation of the day is with North, although I’m not getting a whole lot back from her yet. I like to check her room as soon as I wake up. Then I go for my run.”

“I used to work out at a gym more often, but now I stay at home because I want to be there when my daughter wakes up, which is around eight,” she tells the outlet. “It’s my favorite time of the day with her, so I don’t want to miss it.”

What about that first meal? “Kanye loves to eat really healthy and is always on different diets. He has a chef who comes in the morning and cooks breakfast for both of us and gets our meal plans together for the day,” says Kardashian. “We just started seeing a nutritionist who changes our diet every 10 days.”

The reality TV star continues, “If I’m working or filming that day, I’ll have hair and makeup done at the house. That usually takes an hour and a half. If I don’t get breakfast earlier, I’ll eat then and respond to e-mails. Everyone always e-mails me late, before they go to bed, which is after I fall asleep, so I don’t want to wake them all up by e-mailing too early. My favorite mode of communication is texting.”

“Usually we’ve finished getting ready about half an hour before we start filming at noon,” explains Kardashian. “We used to start at, like, 7 a.m., but now it’s later, and we’ll finish around 7 or 8pm. We don’t really get breaks because we have three crews and they switch to get their breaks. We break only if we eat, if we break at all.”

Even when she’s not filming with her loved ones, she’s still keeping up with them. “I can’t live without talking to my family. I’m obsessed with them,” says Kardashian. “We’re on group chats every single day—well, all the girls, for sure. I’m in London right now, and Kendall’s in Milan, so we’re almost in the same time zone. We’re texting each other every second. And when the whole family wakes up, it’s like a huge group chat every morning to see what everyone’s doing.”

Despite her time zone-hopping, Kardashian is “not really a coffee drinker.” She says, “I like it, and I’ll have some when I’m really jet-lagged, maybe once a month. I try to drink water. I think after you have a baby you want everything to be as pure as possible. I want to set an example and to be natural and healthy. It’s a decision Kanye and I made, to see a nutritionist together. Also, I think anything could help if I’m trying to get pregnant.”

At the end of the day, Kardashian… keeps working. “Once the baby’s asleep, I like to unwind by getting in bed and doing some work,” she says. “I’ll put on a robe and answer e-mails or go online. I don’t watch a whole lot of TV or movies, but when I do it’s typically murder shows or Dateline NBC. I love searching eBay; I sell shoes and clothes on eBay all the time, so I’ll check my auctions and answer user questions.”

There you have it. That’s how Kim Kardashian spends her day. What do you think?

Daniel Gates