The Not-So-Nice "Nice Guys" Of Online Dating

Self-described “Nice Guys” are mad you won't sleep with them. Because if they're nice to you in an online dating message, the least you can do is put out.

Nice Guys are an internet standard. To hear them tell it, they are very mistreated! They show up on blogs to complain about how women don't appreciate Nice Guys like themselves, because even though the Nice Guy is so very nice, women are too self-involved to see the Real Him. The Nice Guy believes he is held back by his intense Niceness.

The truth is, Nice Guys aren’t actually nice guys. They’re entitled jerks who think that if they’re nice to you, you’re obligated to spread. And if you don’t, you’re fodder for the Nice Guy’s extensive complaint box. (Actual guys who are also nice exist, and in large numbers – a good indicator that you’ve spotted one is that he never whines about how women aren’t lining up to bang him because he held a door open. And women date those actual nice guys!)

Nice Guys, of course, exist in real-world dating. But it’s pretty rare that in person – or at least on a date – you’re treated to a speech about how women don’t appreciate how Nice a guy is. The internet, though, is Nice Guy paradise. And when they aren’t in blog comment sections, they’re trying to find love on online dating sites, and are mad because they are so nice and you should appreciate their personalities instead of being so shallow – even though, you know, you’re all on the internet and the only reason they’re messaging you is because they think you’re foxy. Like this clearly very Nice man, who sent the following to a lady on one dating site:

Since you are DIVORCED, don’t have kids and don’t WANT kids you are obviously just looking for SEX. Take your profile OFF of this site and STOP wasting the time of NICE GUYS like me who are actually looking for a relationship. Try Adult Friend Finder.

Divorced and childless?! Clearly a Grade-A hussy, just trolling online dating sites for peen, and wasting the time of Nice Guys like him who see her profile and are then forced – FORCED! – to message her to explain what a horrible person she is.

But the messages from Nice Guys are nowhere near as incredible as what they put on their profiles. Like this guy on OK Cupid who, it should be reiterated, is writing this on a dating site ostensibly in an effort to meet women:

My self-summary Had a lot written on this profile. Total waste. I give up on you chicks, I should have had a CAT scan performed on my head instead. There aren’t any nice guys left to you girls because you don’t respond to any of their messages. Enjoy the shirtless assholes.

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