Kevin Gates Fights Female Fans At Concert (VIDEO)

Kevin Gates Fights Girl


Kevin Gates, the rapper who loves having sex with his cousin, got into at least two altercations with female fans during a performance at Z Club in Flint, Michigan, on Sunday. Video from the concert shows Gates seeming to attack the young women when they got too close to the performer and began to grab at him.

It’s a little hard to see exactly what triggered the initial confrontation in the footage, shot on someone’s cell phone, but it appears an agitated Gates had had enough of the first audience member trying to touch him and decided to go after her. Security personnel stopped the situation from getting worse, even as someone can be heard yelling, “Ooh, he’s about to hit her, he’s about to hit her! They’re fighting!”

The show continued, but the drama was not over. Later in the concert, Gates seemed to get into a physical altercation with a second female fan who had gotten too close. According to reports, no police were called to the scene, and it does not appear anyone was badly hurt.

Gates already has a somewhat controversial history. Earlier this year, the rapper revealed in a series of startling, since-removed Instagram videos that he was sexually involved with his cousin. Gates insisted at the time that he’d been three months into the relationship before he found out she was related to him. Not that he seemed to mind. “Why f*ck up a good thing?” he asked, seeing very little wrong with the arrangement. Watch the new troubling video of Gates seeming to attack his fans below, and tell us what you think.

Daniel Gates