21 Reasons Being A Third Wheel Is Literally The Worst

Ugh, couples.

You can never make plans alone with your BFF because they always invite their significant other without asking.

You can never make plans alone with your BFF because they always invite their significant other without asking.

Submitted by Emily Ann Sykes, Facebook

Bravo / Via pixshark.com

When at a restaurant, it's awkward when the waiter asks if you're all paying together, but the couple says: "We're together, but they're alone."

When at a restaurant, it's awkward when the waiter asks if you're all paying together, but the couple says: "We're together, but they're alone."

Submitted by Jacob Kluth, Facebook

Paramount Pictures / Via momsrising.org

There's nothing more uncomfortable than being stuck next to a couple who's heavily making out.

There's nothing more uncomfortable than being stuck next to a couple who's heavily making out.

Submitted by Abby Friedman, Facebook

ABC / Via highvoltageblog.net

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