‘The Walking Dead’ Recap – ARTICLE

Melissa McBride in 'The Walking Dead' (AMC)
Melissa McBride in 'The Walking Dead' (AMC)

Rick Grimes' group finally got to know who some of the Alexandrians really are in Sunday night's "The Walking Dead."

After several episodes that followed the slow burn of adjusting to life in Alexandria, several members of Rick's group went out on a mission with Alexandrians -- a mission that had major consequences. And for those who stayed behind inside their new town, things took several dark turns as Carol made a major discovery, and one person showed off their Judas-like tendencies.

Here's our blow by blow recap of "The Walking Dead" Season 5, Episode 14 – "Spend":

PHOTOS: ‘The Walking Dead’: More Scenes From Season 5

Father Gabriel, a garage in Alexandria: Father Gabriel heads into a garage and puts some wax paper into a bible on the makeshift altar. "Father, we are so blessed to have you," reads a note next to some strawberries from someone named Rosemary. Distressed at seeing it, he rips up pages of Leviticus in the Holy book.

Getting Used To The Alexandria Daily Grind?

Everyone else, inside Alexandria: The gates to Alexandria open, and Daryl heads out on his bike, followed by Aaron in the car.

PHOTOS: ‘The Walking Dead’ Candid Pics From The Set, Volume 2

Deanna's husband Reg is sitting and eating breakfast with Noah. The young man wants to learn how to build things. It's important to him that those walls stay up. "It wouldn't hurt if I knew some of what you knew," he says. Impressed by the young man's curiosity, Reg opens up his notebook and begins scribbling, but then he stops and hands it to Noah. Now he should be the caretaker of their history. "There's going to be a lot to remember… you should record all that, along with everything I'm going to teach you about building things," Reg says.

Mission Time!

Noah, Tara, Maggie, Aiden, Glenn, Nicholas and Eugene, outside a garage in Alexandria: Noah tries to give Eugene a gun, but he won't take it. He doesn't want to go with them on their mission to find the parts they need for a power grid. Too bad. He's going, anyway. It's a sweet family scene as Aiden says goodbye to his mom, Deanna and dad, Reg. They kiss him before he heads out. "You got this. You always do," Maggie tells her husband Glenn, kissing him goodbye.

Rick and Jessie, at Jessie's workspace: The art sculpture owl is in pieces on the floor. It's been mysteriously destroyed. "Stuff like this never happens here," Jessie tells the new Alexandria law. Rick asks if she has enemies. She smiles, but shakes her head. After exchanging more smiles, Rick promises to look around and see what he can find out.

Glenn, Aiden, Noah, Nicholas, Eugene and Tara, at a warehouse: The coast looks clear at the warehouse they've arrived at to get the parts they need for the power grid. When one walker stumbles over, Noah is the one to shoot it in the head. After the group gets a feel for what's around the perimeter, Glenn opens the door goes in first. Spotted! There are walkers behind a fence, so they have to be cautious. Quietly, Eugene and Tara go to find the parts they need and he identifies them! Just then, the tide turns and a walker dressed in riot gear comes for Aiden. He shoots, eventually hitting an explosive on the creature's vest. Everything goes dark.

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"Oh God," says Nicholas. His brother is dead. Tara's hurt badly, and a shaking Eugene has to try to save her, but he's jumped on by a walker and wrestled to the ground. Luckily, Glenn and Noah help free him.

Cooke Sam and Carol, at Carol's Alexandria home: Undeterred by her scary warning last week, Sam is inside Carol's home! He wants more cookies. She promises to make him one last batch if he steals the chocolate.

Glenn, Aiden, Noah, Nicholas, Eugene and Tara, at a warehouse: Aiden's actually still alive, the group finds out. He's just impaled on some heavy steel. With Tara now inside an office and on a table (where Eugene can tend to her), Eugene urges the others to go help Aiden. It's what she would do, he tells them.

The Cracks Begin To Show

Abraham and various Alexandrians, in a field: There's fence to be built and Abraham is lending his muscle, but he has to take a moment. Not having to be constantly in fear is putting him into meltdown mode. The sound of a gunshot snaps him out of it. Walkers! Dozens of them emerge from the fields. One of the Alexandrians falls from the top of an earth mover and her fellow Alexandrians leave her. Abraham doesn't. He runs in, picks her up and shoves her in the cabin of some construction equipment. To get away from the walkers, he rolls under it, and out the other side. Gracine, the Alexandrian he just helped, grabs his gun after he tosses it to her and she helps him take down the creatures. Realizing Abraham is doing the right thing, one of the Alexandrian men who pulled back, steps in to help.

Michael Cudlitz as Abraham in 'The Walking Dead' (AMC)
Michael Cudlitz as Abraham in 'The Walking Dead' (AMC)

Pete and Rick, at Rick's home: Beer time! Pete wants to be friends with Rick so he stops by. After some chit-chat about the broken owl statue, Pete brings up Rick's past. "I’m sorry, I heard you lost your wife," Pete says. Rick nods, but says nothing. "You know, I'm sure it looks like we haven' t lost much, but we have. We've lost things. Other things we're just fighting like hell to hold on to," drunk Pete says. He leaves after telling Rick they should be friends. "We kind of have to be," Pete adds.

Glenn, Aiden, Noah, Nicholas, Eugene and Tara, at a warehouse: It looks like Eugene is giving a speech to the unconscious Tara – the kind of speech you give someone before you abandon them, and go through an open door to leave. But in a surprise twist, Eugene picks up Tara, puts her over his shoulder and shoots his way out of the warehouse getting Tara to the van.

Inside, Aiden is in bad shape. Glenn and Nicholas try to pull him off the steel contraption (Noah holds off the walkers), but it's no use. And then, Nicholas gives up. "You left her, we both did. That's who we are. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Nicholas tells Aiden before running out. Despite what Glenn hears from Aiden, who makes a similar confession, he continues to try and pull Aiden off. Noah has to pull Glenn away as the walkers lunge in and tear Aiden apart.

Abraham and some Alexandrians, in a field: "You leave people behind to die?" Abraham asks the Alexandrians. Furious, Francine slugs one of her neighbors for leaving her to die. Then, she's over it and Abraham just starts dishing out orders – there's work to be done and a fence to get built.

READ: 'The Walking Dead': Melissa McBride On Cookie Sam Trouble, Carol's Wardrobe, Daryl

Glenn, Noah, Nicholas, Eugene and Tara, at a warehouse: Back at the warehouse, while trying to get out, Noah and Glenn get trapped on one side of a revolving glass door. Nicholas is on the other side. Walkers close in on the inside and outside.

Cookie Sam and Carol, at Carol's house: He's got chocolate! Cookie Sam is back and he wants his sweet treats. "We're you always a good cook?" he asks Carol, who really doesn't want to converse with the youngster. But he protests. "We don't have to be friends, it just doesn't have to be quiet," he says. As he keeps talking, Sam reveals he breaks stuff when he gets sad. "What kind of stuff?" Carol asks, wondering about the owl statute. Oh, and Sam also wants a gun. "Who is it for?" Carol asks him. He runs out without answering, but instinctively, Carol knows.

Glenn, Noah, Nicholas, Eugene and Tara, at a warehouse: Stuck in the revolving door, it looks bad for the trio, but Eugene drives by blasting techno music, attracting half of the walkers (the inside door walkers obviously can't follow the van). The moment allows Glenn to come up with a plan. He'll break the glass and they can climb out that way. But in the chaos, Nicholas gets his foot through the door and forces his way out. It creates a vacuum that allows the walkers to grab Noah. From the other side of the glass, Glenn watches in absolute horror as Noah is eaten alive, the walkers tearing him apart bit by bit.

At this point, Nicholas has caught up with Eugene and tells him to get in the van. He won't. Where are his friends? Out of nowhere, Glenn appears and knocks Nicholas out. "Help me get him in the back," Glenn tells Eugene. "Where's Noah?" Eugene asks. Glenn says nothing.

The cast on 'The Walking Dead' set

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Carol, at Jessie's door: It's Pete who answers the door. Carol asks after Sam, but he's not available, so she asks for Jessie. "Not a good time," Pete says, closing the door.

Gabriel and Deanna, at Deanna's house: "I need to speak with you privately," Gabriel says, looking worried. "Satan, he disguises himself as the angel of light. I'm afraid that false light is here, inside these walls." He says he's grateful to be there, but she made a mistake letting in the others. "Rick, his group, they're not good people. They've done things. They've done unspeakable things," he continues. Maggie hears it all as she stands around the corner in a nearby stairwell. Deanna thinks they're assets, but Gabriel says she's wrong. "The day will come when they'll put their own lives before yours and everyone else's and they'll destroy everyone here."

Carol and Rick, at Rick's house: "Pete's hitting Jessie, maybe Sam too," Carol tells Rick. How does she know, he asks her. Did Sam tell her? "He didn't have to," Carol explains.

Gabriel and Deanna, at Deanna's house: "They don't deserve this. They don't deserve paradise," Gabriel continues. Deanna thanks him and tells him she has a lot to think about. Maggie, still around the corner, doesn't move.

Carol and Rick, at Rick's house: "Rick, I know how this is gonna go with Pete. There's only one way this can go," Carol says. "You're gonna have to kill him."

"The Walking Dead" continues Sunday at 9 PM ET/PT on AMC.

-- Jolie Lash

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